Functions – Local Maxima and Minima of sin(nx)/sin(x)


We know the global maxima of the function $\sin(nx)/\sin(x)$ is $n$ (thanks to this question), but what are the local maxima and minima points of the function in ($-\pi,\pi$)? (it represents the intensity of a narrow slit diffraction grating)

I tried equating the derivative to $0$ and the equation to be solved is $n\tan(x) = \tan(nx)$. I am unable to progress from here. I also tried expanding $\sin(nx)$ using multiple-angle formula but made no progress.

For convenience: 1st derivative $$ = \frac{n\cos(nx)\sin(x) – \sin(nx)\cos(x)}{\sin(x)^2}$$and 2nd derivative = $$\frac{2\sin(nx)\cos(x)^2 + \sin(nx)\sin(x)^2 – n^2\sin(nx)\sin(x)^2 – 2n\cos(nx)\cos(x)\sin(x)}{\sin(x)^3}$$

Here is a plot of the function in Desmos:

Best Answer

$$\tan(nx)=n\tan(x)\iff n\cos(nx)\sin(x)-\sin(nx)\cos(x)$$

Now apply product to sum formulas and double both sides:


We have a series solution to:

Is there any way to solve for $k$, given $\beta \sin (k-k N)-\sin (k N+k)=0$?

for the real roots. Here, $\beta=\frac{1+n}{1-n}$, so:

$$\bbox[2px,border:2.5px solid #0D98CA]{\tan(nx)=n\tan(x)\implies x_j=\frac{\pi j}{n+1}+\frac1{2i(n+1)}\sum_{k=1}^\infty\sum_{m=0}^k\frac{(-1)^m}{(k-m)!m!}\left(m+\frac{k-2m}{n+1}-1\right)^{(n-1)}\left(\frac{1+n}{1-n}\right)^k\exp\left(\frac{2\pi i j(m(n-1)+k)}{n+1}\right)}$$

shown here:

enter image description here


ReplaceAll[{j->J,n->N}][\[Pi] j/(n+1)+1/(2 I (n+1))Sum[Sum[(-1)^m ((1+n)/(1-n))^k/(m! (k-m)!) Exp[(2 \[Pi] I j ((n-1) m+k))/(n+1)] FactorialPower[m+(k-2 m)/(n+1)-1,k-1],{m,0,k}],{k,1,a}]]

for given $a,J,N$. Some cases have closed elementary forms like $n=0,\dots 7$ and for $n=8$, a quintic, has single series or special function solutions. However, for harder cases, the boxed result is a solution. Either sum has a closed form with the Fox H or Fox Wright function too.

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