What are some good, elementary and maybe also interesting proofs by induction


I am hosting a one-time class/talk on the concept of infinity for some (talented) high-school students. I want to teach them about proof by induction and I want them to do some exercises (you learn math by doing!). I am therefore looking for easy, elementary and maybe also intersting exercises for someone with little to no experience in proving statements. Some examples that came to mind:

  • Proving $n \leq n^2$.
  • Proving $n! \leq n^n $.
  • Proving that the angle sum in an $n$-sided polygon is $(n-2)180^\circ$ for $n \geq2$.
  • Proving Bernoulli's Inequality: $(1+x)^n \leq 1+nx$ for all $x \geq -1$.

I have looked at the thread Examples of mathematical induction but most if not all of the examples given here I think are too difficult for the audience.

Any inputs are welcome and appreciated! The result and its' induction proof need not be 100% rigorous, the point is to illustrate the induction proof in simple settings.

Best Answer

First: I still think you can scrape some fairly simple examples/proofs by induction from that thread that you are linking, e.g tiling with trominoes or Towers of Hanoi. So carefully go through that list and there really are some suitable ones that are not too difficult

If you're doing mix of weak and strong induction, here are some of my favorites:

  1. Number of ways $S_n$ to go up $n$ stairs where you either take $1$ or $2$ stairs at a time is a Fibonaci number, since for your first step you can either go up $1$ stairs, in which case you can do remaining $n-1$ steps in $S_{n-1}$ ways, or go up $2$ stairs, in which case you can do remaining $n-2$ steps in $S_{n-2}$ ways, so $S_n = S_{n-1} + S_{n-2}$, i.e. you're dealing with Fibonacci series. Here's a video. Make sure to first pose this question to your audience and have them struggle with it. E.g. they can figure out answer for $3$, $4$, and $5$ steps ... and then someone may actually start recognizing the Fibonacci pattern ... so then the question is: why is this so, i.e. how can we actually prove that?

  2. What is the minimum number of breaks to break up a chocolate bar made of $m \times n$ little pieces into those very pieces?

enter image description here

You can first give this problem to your audience, and kind of play with them by suggesting that first making a break in the middle of the bar to get two somewhat evenly sized chunks might be a more efficient strategy than breaking off one column at a time and breaking that into little pieces one by one, since with larger chunks you can cover more individual breaklines with a single break than with smaller chunks ... But of course it doesn't matter how you do it: it will always take $n-1$ breaks to get $n$ pieces, since each break will only increase the number of chunks by one. And that insight really requires no induction, but you can use strong induction to really drive this home: first break will divide bar with $n$ pieces into a chunk with $m$ pieces and a chunk with $n-m$ pieces. By inductive assumption, the first will take $m-1$ to completely break apart, and the second takes $n-m-1$ breaks, for a total of $1 + (m-1) + (n-m-1) = n-1$ breaks.

  1. Euler Tours: you can make an Euler tour of a connected graph that visits each edge (connection) exactly once if each vertex (node) has even degree (even number of edges attached to it). Again, nice thing with this one is that you can first give your audience some concrete examples of graphs (e.g. use Seven bridges of Konigsburg), where some of them can be done but pothers not, so they can get a feel for this problem. And then do the proof by induction on 'size' of graph (so this is really more of a structural induction proof): First, start at an arbitrary node $a$ of your graph, and just start going around following connections making sure not to repeat any. Now, first note that when you can't go any further, you must be back at $a$ (nice question for audience: why?). OK, so now you have a tour .. but you probably left of some parts of the graph where certain connections were never visited. But note: all those subgraphs must still have property of each node having even degree (again: why?), so by inductive assumption you can do Euler Tour for each of those. And now you can just 'insert' those partial Euler tours into your original partial tour to make the whole thing an Euler Tour of the whole graph.

I like these examples not only because they are visual and interactive, but also because they show that induction is not just weak mathematical induction. I see do many treatments start with weak mathematical induction and sometimes not even move on to other forms of induction, and it’s doing students a disservice because induction is a much more general concept that they should intuitively grasp rather than get lost in the formal details.

If you are looking for some more traditional algebraic weak mathematical induction ones: there is of course the sum of all numbers $1$ through $n$ ... but I would start with the algebraically somewhat simpler sum of the first $n$ odd numbers ... though both of those results have some nice proofs by picture as well which doesn't require any induction at all. Can you tell I like visuals? :P