Weight the probability of a prediction based on historical accuracy


I have six predictions from six different sources. Each prediction has a percent probability that the prediction will happen, as well as a historical accuracy percentage.

Here's a table of my problem:

enter image description here

This is the link to the table:

An example of how to read this would be TF predicts the likelihood of a 0 is 63% and has been historically correct 43% of the time.

I want to find if the prediction should be 1 or 0 by weighting predictions with more historical accuracy. For example, TF predicts 0 with a probability of 63%. It has a historical accuracy of 43%. In contrast, LINE predicts 1 with a 81% probability and the same 73% historical accuracy. I want the overall prediction between these two sources to be 1 because LINE has a higher probability than TF and a higher historical accuracy.

So, my question is: how can I mathematically find the average prediction weighted by probability and historical accuracy?

Thanks in advance!

Best Answer

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Weighted_arithmetic_mean Above is reference. The basic formula is $p=\frac{\sum p_ia_i}{\sum a_i}$. Where $p$ is the probability you want and $p_i,a_i$ are the individual probabilities and accuracy.

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