Weakening of the perfect set property


The perfect set property says that every uncountable set of reals contains a perfect subset.

Now consider the following statement:

P: For every $X\subset\mathbb{R}$, either $X$ or $\mathbb{R}\setminus X$ contains a (non-empty) perfect set.

Clearly, the perfect set property implies the second one. I've heard that the converse is false, but I couldn't find a model of ZF+P (this would obviously entail a failure of choice). Moreover, is it possible to get a model where P holds without assuming the existence of an inaccessible?

Any references for this? I've looked at Jech, Rubin, this paper , and Googled a bunch, but found nothing.

Best Answer

Yes. This was studied by John Truss in his paper that you mention,

Truss, John, Models of set theory containing many perfect sets, Ann. Math. Logic 7, 197-219 (1974). ZBL0302.02024.

Specker's theorem tells us that the perfect set property implies $\omega_1$ is a limit cardinal in $L$, but without countable choice, $\omega_1$ can be singular. And Truss shows that this is consistent with the perfect set property.

Moreover, he shows, in a fairly simple family of models every set of reals can either be well-ordered or it contains a perfect set (and the reals cannot be well-ordered), which is an intermediate statement between your $\rm P$ and the perfect set property. This is even consistent with Dependent Choice to some fixed level.

So now take a set of reals, if it can be well-ordered, then its complement cannot be, and thus contains a perfect set. If your set cannot be well-ordered, then it contains a perfect set.