Ways to prove the area of an ellipse formula

areaconic sectionsgeometry

One can prove the ellipse area formula $A=\pi a b$ ($a$, $b$ the major and minor semi-axis) either by integration or by the stretched-circle argument. See for instance here: https://proofwiki.org/wiki/Area_of_Ellipse

Are there any other proofs of this formula?

Best Answer

Another way could be via Cavalieri's principle. Suppose we have an ellipse with semi-axes $a$ and $b$ and construct a circle with radius $\sqrt{ab}$. Draw a pair of lines $FF'$, $EE'$ tangent to the circle at the endpoints of a diameter (see figure below) and rotate the ellipse so that it has those lines as tangents. If we show that any chord $CD$ of the circle, parallel to $FF'$, has the same length as the corresponding chord $C'D'$ of the ellipse, then circle and ellipse have the same area $\pi ab$.

Let's consider first of all the diameter $AB$ of the circle parallel to $FF'$: the corresponding diameter $A'B'$ of the ellipse forms with $E'F'$ a pair of conjugate diameters. It is well known that the parallelogram formed by semi-diameters $O'B'$ and $O'F'$ has area $ab$: as the height of such parallelogram with respect to base $O'B'$ is $\sqrt{ab}$ we deduce then $O'B'=\sqrt{ab}$. It follows that $AB=A'B'$.

Let's now prove the analogous equality for any other couple of corresponding chords $CD$ and $C'D'$. The equation of conjugate diameters states that $$ {O'M'^2\over O'F'^2}+{C'M'^2\over O'A'^2}=1, $$ but on the other hand we also have: $$ {O'M'\over O'F'}={OM\over OF}={OM\over \sqrt{ab}}. $$ Inserting this into the previous equality, and taking into account that $O'A'=\sqrt{ab}$ we get: $$ C'M'=\sqrt{ab-OM^2}=CM, $$ where we also used Pythagoras' theorem applied to triangle $OMC$. This completes the proof, because $M'$ is the midpoint of $C'D'$.

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