Ways to form pairs of 2n people


Suppose we have $2n$ people and we want to make $n$ ordered pairs of these $2n$ people. So we can chose $2$ people for the first pair in ${2n\choose2}$ ways, then we are left with $2n-2$ people and we can chose $2$ of them for the second pair in ${2n-2\choose2}$ ways and so on. So the number of ways of forming $n$ ordered pairs of $2n$ people is then $${2n\choose2}{2n-2\choose2}….{2\choose2}=\frac{(2n)!}{2^n}$$. But we can also proceed like this : We first choose $n$ people from those $2n$ people in ${2n\choose n}$ ways, then we get two groups of $n$ people each and then we can make pairs among them in $n!$ ways and so the total number of ways of forming $n$ ordered pairs of $2n$ people is $$\frac{(2n)!}{n!n!}n!=\frac{(2n)!}{n!}$$. But these two answers are different?

Best Answer

An example should make it clear:
Say $n=2$. The $2n$ things are $A,B,C,D$. For the first case, you get $6$ ways. These are
$BC,AD$. If you increase $n$, (for $n=3$, it's $90$ ways) you will observe that this method permutes the group of pairs, i.e, it counts $AB,CD$ and $CD,AB$ as different cases. However, it counts $AB,DC$ and $AB,CD$ as the same.

In the second case, you get $12$ cases. They are
$CA,DB$. If you increase $n$ (for $n=3$ there are $120$ ways) you will observe that this method does not permute the group pairs, i.e $AD,BC$ and $BC,AD$ are the same, but it counts $BC,AD$ and $BC,DA$ as different.
Now, can you see which formula is appropriate for you? Ordered pair means $AB,CD$ and $BA,DC$ are different. Your question has no mention of the order of the pairs, meaning $AB,CD$ and $CD,AB$ are same.

We can go from the formula of method 1 to that of method 2:

  • Method 1 counts $AB,CD,EF$ and $AB,EF,CD$ as different but method 2 does not. S divide by $n!$ to get $\frac{(2n)!}{n!2^n}$.
  • Method 1 counts $AB,CD,EF$ and $BA,DC,EF$ as same, but method 2 does not. So, multiply by $2^n$ (you flip a coin $n$ times, if the $k$th toss is heads, you write a pair in alphabetical order, say $AC$, and if it's tails you write it in non-alphabetical order, say $CA$) to get $\frac{(2n)!}{n!}$.