Wallpaper Pattern: is this pmg


I'm reading David R. Finston and Patrick J. Morandi's book Abstract Algebra: Structure and Application and in its last section 10.6 "the 17 wallpaper groups" page 179 I'm confused on what it gives as an example of $pmg$:

enter image description here

According to its description on pg 178, $pmg$ has point group $D_2$ , so it shall contains a rotation. Wikipage on pmg also says so:

"The group pmg has two rotation centres of order two (180°), and
reflections in only one direction. It has glide reflections whose axes
are perpendicular to the reflection axes. The centres of rotation all
lie on glide reflection axes."

But I couldn't find a rotation here in the pattern.

So, where did I miss?

Update for Doug’s answer:

If takes the red dot as the rotation centre, the two blue parts don’t match:

enter image description here

Best Answer

You can rotate at the intersection points of $4$ tiles by $180$ degrees. There are two kinds of intersections points depending on whether say the upper right is white or grey.