Wadge Hierarchy on $\Delta^{0}_{2}$ sets


i'm studying the Wadge hierarchy on Baire space and Cantor space. I'm asking whether or not the $\Delta^0_2$ sets form a unique degree in these spaces and why the $\Sigma^0_2$-true (i.e. not polish) subsets of $2^\omega$ form a unique degree. Moreover, which results for $\omega^\omega$ can i say also for $2^\omega$?

I'll thanks anyone let me know more about the relation between wadge hierarchy and on these spaces and their boldface pointclasses.

Best Answer

I'll answer about the boldface versions.

The ambiguous class $\boldsymbol\Delta_2^0$ comprises $\omega_1$ levels of the Wadge hierarchy (see Kecrhis' book on descriptive set theory, Exercise 21.16, and the many references therein).

Sets in $\boldsymbol\Sigma_\alpha^0 \setminus \boldsymbol\Pi_\alpha^0$ are complete, and from this it follows that they are all inter-reducible, and hence in a unique degree.

Finally, all the results hold uniformly of all zero dimensional Polish spaces, in particular $A^\omega$ for any countable $A$.

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