Volume of Trapezoidal Prism


For a plot of land of 100 m × 80 m, the level is to be raised by spreading the earth from a stack of a rectangular base 10 m × 8 m with vertical section being a trapezium of height 2 m. The top of the stack is 8 m × 5 m. By how many centimetres can the level be raised?

I know the approach needed to solve this problem. I only confusion I have about this problem is the calculation of the volume of the stack which I believe is the trapezoidal prism (or truncated (right) rectangular prism or frustum of (right) rectangular prism). I also assume a prism is the same thing as a pyramid for geometrical purposes.

A trapezoidal prism is a 3D figure made up of two trapezoids that is joined by four rectangles.

I saw online different methods giving different answers to this question. I am confused what is the correct approach.

Method I
enter image description here
Volume of Right rectangular pyramid

enter image description here

Method II

enter image description here
Identify the parallel sides of the base (trapezoid) to be $b_{1}$ and $b_{2}$ and the perpendicular distance between them to be $h$ and find the area of the trapezoid using the formula:
Area of the trapezoid $=\frac{1}{2}\left(b_{1}+b_{2}\right) \times h$
Identify its height / length of the prism (the vertical distance between two bases).
Multiply the base area and the height to find the volume.
enter image description here

Method III
enter image description here

\text { Volume of truncated pyramid/prism }=\frac{1}{3}\left(A_{1}+A_{2}+\sqrt{A_{1} A_{2}}\right) h

A_{1} = 8X5 = 40 \mathrm{m}^{2}

A_{2} = 10X8 = 80 \mathrm{m}^{2}

\Rightarrow\text { Volume of truncated pyramid/prism }=\frac{1}{3}\left(40+80+\sqrt{40X80}\right) 2

\Rightarrow\text { Volume of truncated pyramid/prism }= 58.85 \mathrm{m}^{3}

Best Answer

The pyramid-based answers do not work because the trapezoidal prism is not actually part of a pyramid: the non-horizontal edges do not meet in a single point. Furthermore the question might be ambiguous whether the $8m$ edge of the top face is parallel or perpendicular to the $8m$ edge of the bottom face, and this affects the final result.

In case the $8m$ on top and bottom are parallel, you have a trapezium prism, with trapezium area $(10m+5m)/2 \times 2m$ and "height" $8m$ (perpendicular to the trapezium), resulting in a volume of $120 m^3$.

If the top and bottom faces of the stack are laid out as hinted in the question, with the bottom $10m$ parallel to the top $8m$ and the bottom $8m$ parallel to the top $5m$, it is neither a trapezium prism nor a truncated pyramid, because the non-horizontal edges do not intersect in a single point. Assuming the faces are still plane, the cross-section at height $x$ (measured in $m$) is given by $(10-x)\times(8-\frac 32 x)$, and the volume can be determined by integration to yield $V = \int_0^2(10-x)(8-\frac 32 x)dx = 118 m^3$.

In general the formula to compute such a shape with height $h$, top rectangle $a\times b$ and bottom rectangle $c \times d$, with the $a$ side parallel to the $c$ side, is $\frac16 h(2ab+2cd+ad+bc)$. I'm not sure whether you are expected to know this though.

Here is a Blender model of the second case, demonstrating how it is not a frustum:

enter image description here

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