Volume of a solid in cylindrical coordinates


Let $E$ be the solid region bounded by two surfaces, $z=10-r^2$ and $z=2+r^2$ in cylindrical coordinates. I computed the volume a lot of times using cylindrical coordinates and got $\frac{64\pi}{3}$. But the answer said $16\pi$. Which one is correct?

Best Answer

Use back usual cartesian coordinates (to understand, perhaps, better your solid), so you surfaces are the ("going down") paraboloid $\;z=10-x^2-y^2\;$ and the ("going up") paraboloid $\;z=2+x^2+y^2\;$.

These two "bowls" meet at the circle $\;10-x^2-y^2=2+x^2+y^2\implies x^2+y^2=4\;$, so projecting onto the plane $\;z=0\;$, we get that the volume is


If the above is what you did, in whatever coordinates, then you shall get the correct answer. Now, the above in cylindrical coordinates is


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