Vizing’s Theorem Proof: Let a C be a optimal ($\Delta$ + 1)-edge colouring of G, if C isn’t possible then $\chi’ \leq \Delta$ + 1

graph theoryproof-verification

I am trying yo understand Vizing's proof as found in the book Graph Theory With Applications by authors Bondy and Murty.

The proof starts this way:

Proof: Let G be a simple graph. By virtue of (6.1) we need only show
that $\chi' \leq \Delta$ + 1. Suppose, then, that $ \chi' > \Delta + 1$. Let C = ($E_1 , E_2 , …. , E_{\Delta+1}$) be
an optimal ($\Delta$ + 1)-edge colouring of G and let u be a vertex such that
c(u) < d(u). In which c(u) is the number of distinct colors of incident edges in u. d(u) is the degree of u.

Then the authors went on to show that such coloring it's not possible. I understood how they concluded that such C isn't possible. What I would like to know is why C not being possible implicates that $\chi' \leq \Delta$ + 1.


Best Answer

You have to go back to the definition of "improvement" of an edge coloring. They say that one $k$-edge coloring is an improvement on another if the sum of the number of colors at each vertex is greater. Then they say that a $k$-edge coloring is optimal if it cannot be improved on.

If the edge-chromatic number is greater than $\Delta+1$ then there must be an optimal $\Delta+1$-edge coloring that is not a proper edge coloring. Otherwise, we could keep improving any $\Delta+1$-edge coloring until the sum of the colors represented at the vertices is equal to the sum of the vertex degrees, at which point we have a proper $\Delta+1$-edge coloring.

The proof shows that an optimal $\Delta+1$-edge coloring that is not a proper edge coloring cannot exist, so $$\chi'\leq\Delta+1$$.

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