Verify the proof for “For every $n, q$, where $n,q \in Z^+, n\geq 2, \sum_{i=1}^n\frac1n\neq q$”. [$n^{th}$ harmonic number is never an integer]

elementary-number-theoryharmonic-numbersnumber theorysolution-verificationsummation

Background : I have little experience writing proofs. I found this problem in the book Solving Mathematical Problems by Terrence Tao. I wish to prove that $n^{th}$ harmonic number is never an integer. In the book it says that Bertrand's Postulate ($\forall n$, where $n\in Z^+\;\;\exists$, a prime $p$, such that $n<p<2n$) is required to prove it, but I tried to prove it in a more elementary manner. I believe I have found required proof and wish to have it verified and critiqued.

Theorem :
For every $n, q$, where $n,q \in Z^+, n\geq 2 $, it is true that $$\sum_{i=1}^n\frac1n\neq q$$

Proof. We will assume that the sum is equal to an integer, and reach a proof by contradiction with a counterexample.

Multiplying the individual terms by each other to make them common in denominator then adding them together results in the fraction. As per assumption, it should be equal to an integer $q$.

$$\frac{(2\times3 \times … \times n)+(1\times3\times … \times n)+ …+(1 \times 2 \times … \times (n-1))} {n!}=q$$
$$n!q= (2\times3 \times … \times n)+(1\times3\times … \times n)+ …+(1 \times 2 \times … \times (n-1))$$
Since, $n\geq2$, therefore $n!$ is divisible by $2$.
$$2\bigg(\frac{n!}{2}\bigg)q= (2\times3 \times … \times n)+(1\times3\times … \times n)+ …+(1 \times 2 \times … \times (n-1))$$

Therefore, if $q$ is an integer, the numerator must be even for all positive integer $n$. However, taking the counterexample of $n=3$ the numerator equals $11$, which is not an even integer. This is a contradiction. Therefore the negation of our assumption must be true, and there do not exist positive integers $q, n$ such that the $n^{th}$ harmonic number equals $q$, as desired.


Best Answer

You have your "for all " and "there exists" mixed up. $q$ depends on $n$ so call it $q_n$. And "the numerator" depends on $n$ too so call it $u_n.$ The 1st sentence of your last paragraph should say: "Therefore if there exists $n$ such that $q_n\in \Bbb Z$ then there exists $n$ such that $u_n$ is even."... NOT "for all $n$."

For $n\in \Bbb Z^+$ let $S(n)=\sum_{j=1}^n (1/j).$ Let $V(n)$ be the largest non-negative integer $j$ such that $2^j\leq n.$ That is, $2^{V(n)}\leq n<2^{1+V(n)}.$

Prove that if $S(n)=\frac {A_n}{B_n2^{V(n)}}$ where $A_n, B_n$ are odd positive integers then $S(n+1)=\frac {A_{n+1}}{B_{n+1}2^{V(n+1)}}$ where $A_{n+1}, B_{n+1}$ are odd positive integers. This implies that $S(n)\not \in \Bbb N$ for $n\geq 2$ because $n\geq 2\implies V(n)\geq 1.$

The proof requires some care. Split it into 2 cases:(i). When $n+1$ is a power of $2.$ (That is , $n+1=2^{V(n+1)}),$ and (ii). When $n+1$ is not a power of $2.$