Verify: Prove the Continuous Extension Theorem


Let $A$ be a bounded subset of $\mathbb{R}$ and $f: A \to \mathbb{R}$ be continuous. Prove that $f$ is uniformly continuous on $A$ if and only if it is possible to construct $\hat f: \bar A \to \mathbb{R}$ as a continuous extension of $f$ to $\bar A$ (the closure of $A$).

Note: Proofs of the Continuous Extension Theorem are readily available. This question asks to critique my proof as well as several questions below.

Lemma: Let $f: A \subseteq \mathbb{R} \to \mathbb{R}$ be uniformly continuous, and let $(x_n) \in A$ converge to $x$ (not necessarily in $A$). Then $(f(x_n))$ converges. Moreover, if $(x'_n) \in A$ converges to $x$, then $(f(x'_n))$ converges to the limit of $(f(x_n))$.

Proof: Since $f$ is uniformly continuous, for every $\varepsilon > 0$, there exists $\delta > 0$ such that $|x_n – x_m| < \delta \implies |f(x_n) – f(x_m)| < \varepsilon$. Additionally, since $(x_n)$ converges, it is a Cauchy sequene, and there exists $N$ such that for all $n, m \geq N, |x_n – x_m| < \delta$, so that $|f(x_n) – f(x_m)| < \varepsilon$. Thus, $(f(x_n))$ is a Cauchy sequence and converges.

Suppose $(x'_n) \in A$ also converges to $x$. Then $|x_n – x'_n| \to 0$, and since $f$ is uniformly continuous, $|f(x_n) – f(x'_n)| \to 0$, so $\lim f(x'_n) = \lim f(x_n)$.

Main Proof: Clearly $\bar A$ is compact, and so if continuous $\hat f$ exists, then $\hat f$ as well as its restriction $f$ are uniformly continuous. We now prove the converse (that if $f$ is uniformly continuous, we can extend it to continuous $\hat f: \bar A \to \mathbb{R}$) by constructing $\hat f$ as follows.

As an extension of $f$, $\hat f(x) := f(x)$ for all $x \in A$. Recall that for all $x \in \bar A$, either $x \in A$ or $x$ is a limit point of $A$. Therefore, for any $x$ in $\bar A$ but not in $A$, we can construct a sequence $(x_n) \in A$ converging to $x$. By the lemma, $f(x_n)$ will converge to same limit for all such sequences, and so we define $\hat f(x) = \lim f(x_n)$.

Observe that $\hat f$ is continuous, since for any $(x_n) \in \bar A$ converging to $x$, $\lim \hat f(x_n) = \lim f(x_n) = \hat f(x)$ by construction.


  1. Is the proof correct and rigorous?
  2. Is it well written? How can the exposition be improved?
  3. This proof is for any bounded set $A$ and its closure. I've seen the theorem presented only for open intervals, but I believe, as written, it applies to all bounded sets. Am I right?
  4. The lemma asserts not only that $(f(x_n))$ converges, but that it does so to the same limit for all $(x_n) \to x$. I believe this part is necessary and sufficient to establish continuity of $\hat f$. Am I correct?
  5. Using #4, I encapsulated most of the complexity into the lemma, with the main proof following almost immediately. Does this structure clarify the exposition?
  6. The lemma holds only for uniformly continuous functions, since $(x_n)$ may converge to a limit outside of $A$. However, if $A$ is closed, a similar property holds for any continuous function: Since $(x_n) \in A \to x \in A$, then $(f(x_n)) \to f(x)$. Thus, continuous functions on closed domains are Cauchy-continuous. Is this of significance?

Best Answer

Here is a proposal of improvement, to "consolidate" my comments. (Against my taste, I stay with numerical functions, to respect your choice.)

Let $A$ be a subset of $\Bbb R.$

Definition A map $f:A\to\Bbb R$ is:

  • uniformly continuous if [...]

  • Cauchy-continous if [...]

Three obvious remarks

R1) Uniform continuity and Cauchy-continuity are preserved by restriction.

R2) Any uniformly continuous function is Cauchy-continuous.

R3) Any Cauchy-continuous function is continuous.

The converse of R2 and R3 are false [examples ...] but:

[Heine-Cantor theorem...]

Two more obvious remarks

R4) Any continuous function on a closed subset of $\Bbb R$ is Cauchy-continuous (this may be used to certify that the extension $\hat f$ of the theorem below is not only continuous but Cauchy-continuous).

R5) (not so interesting, from my point of view) As a consequence of Heine-Cantor theorem and of R1, if $A$ is bounded and $f$ extends to a continous map $\hat f:\bar A\to\Bbb R,$ then $f$ is uniformly continuous.

We shall now state a "strong converse" of R5, which does not require $A$ to be bounded.

Continuous extension theorem Let $f:A\to\Bbb R$ be Cauchy-continuous. Then, $f$ admits a continuous extension $\hat f:\bar A\to\Bbb R.$


Let $x\in\bar A.$ For any sequence $(a_n)$ of elements of $A$ converging to $x,$ $(f(a_n))$ is a Cauchy sequence by R2, hence admits a limit $y.$ Moreover, $y$ does not depend on the choice of $(a_n)$ because if $(a'_n)$ is another such sequence, then $(a_1,a'_1,a_2,a'_2,\dots)$ also is, hence (by what we just showed) its image by $f$ admits a limit, which proves that $(f(a'_n))$ has the same limit $y$ as $(f(a_n)).$ This allow us to define $\hat f(x)$ as being this common limit $y.$

Note that $\hat f$ is an extension of $f$ (if $x\in A$, we may apply the definition of $\hat f(x)$ with the constant sequence $a_n=x$).

Let us now prove that $\hat f$ is continuous. Let $(x_n)$ be a converging sequence in $\bar A,$ and $x$ be its limit. For each $n\in\Bbb N,$ by definition of $\hat f(x_n),$ there exists an element $a_n\in A$ such that $|x_n-a_n|$ and $|\hat f(x_n)-f(a_n)|$ are both $<\frac1n.$ Using such a sequence $(a_n)$, we deduce: $\hat f(x)=\lim f(a_n)=\lim\hat f(x_n).$

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