Venn Diagrams are contradicting the definition


We had the following homework:

∪i∈I (Fi∩Gi) = ∪i∈I Fi ∩ ∪i∈I Gi

Which is easily proven by statements and logic, take an X out of the first set and use equivalent arrows to reach the other set.

I wanted for the sake of helping my understanding of how these sets look like to draw venn diagrams. However I got stuck when I found it that my first example broke this equality!

My constructed example: I is defined to be {1,2,3}

So I draw up 3 F sets and 3 G sets

My example Venn-diagramm

∪i∈I (Fi∩Gi) That should be equal to (F(1) ∩ G(1)) ∪ (F(2) ∩ G(2))
∪ (F(3) ∩ G(3))

So the following area

enter image description here

*Green arrow says : it stays empty


∪i∈I Fi ∩ ∪i∈I Gi is equal to (F(1)∪F(2)∪F(3)) ∩ (G(1)∪G(2)∪G(3) ) right?
So this area *red with black stripes

∪i∈I Fi ∩ ∪i∈I Gi

Which is clearly NOT the same area since F(2)∩ G(2) = the empty set!

Where did I make a mistake?

Best Answer

On the right-hand side of your wrong equation, the scope of the first $i$ and the scope of the second $i$ are separate. Therefore you could change the second $i$ to a $j$, and the meaning of the right-hand side would not change. I mean that you could write $\cup_{i \in I} F_i \cap \cup_{j \in I} G_j$. Try doing this, and try to see where your "double arrows" argument breaks down.