Vector – Matrix Differentiation that includes the Kronecker product

kronecker productlinear algebramatricesmatrix-calculus

I have that ${y}={A}\otimes{A}{x}$ where ${A}\in\mathbb{R}^{n\times n}$ and ${x}\in\mathbb{R}^{n^2}$. I want to find $\frac{d{y}}{d{A}}$ in matrix (or tensor) form. I have looked at other questions on here where the solution uses the Magnus-Neudecker technique of vectorising each side. The issue is that my term already contains a kronecker product so the identity $\text{vec}(ABC)=(C^{\mathrm {T} }\otimes A)\operatorname {vec} (B)$ that is used frequently in the various solutions isn't useful in this case. Any help would be much appreciated.

Best Answer

If you "unvectorize" the vectors $x$ and $y$ into square matrices $X,Y$, you could write this as $$ Y = AXA^T. $$ If we want a derivative in some kind of matrix form, we can compute the partial derivative of $Y$ with respect to the $i,j$ entry of A. To that end, for $h \in \Bbb R$, we can write $$ \begin{align} Y(A + h E_{ij}) &= (A + hE_{ij})X(A + hE_{ij})^T \\ & = AXA^T + h(E_{ij} X A^T + AXE_{ij}^T) + o(h) \\ & = Y(A) + h \frac{\partial Y}{\partial a_{ij}} + o(h). \end{align} $$ With that, we have an expression for the desired partial derivative. In terms of the Kronecker delta, the $p,q$ entry of $\frac{\partial Y}{\partial a_{ij}}$ is given by $$ \left[\frac{\partial Y}{\partial a_{ij}}\right]_{p,q} = \delta_{ip} \left(\sum_{k=1}^n x_{jk}a_{qk} \right) + \delta_{iq}\left(\sum_{k=1}^n a_{pk}x_{kj} \right). $$

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