Vector in kernel of all linear functionals must be $0$

functional-analysislinear algebra

Let $E$ be a vector space over a field $K$. Suppose that $e\in E$ is such that $\forall f\in \mathcal L(E,K)$, $f(e)=0$. Then prove that $e=0$.

Elements of $\mathcal L(E,K)$ need not be continuous. This is claimed in the Remark following Definition 3.2 in Fabian's Banach Space Theory. I quote "[it] follows from a simple linear algebra argument".

What is this "simple linear algebra argument" they are alluding to ?
With the axiom of choice, one could define a basis $(b_i)_{i\in I}$ of $E$ and the corresponding coordinate functionals $f_i$. Then obviously $e=0$.

Is there a simpler argument, preferably something that doesn't resort to choice ?

Best Answer

Some choice is needed, since it is consistent with $\mathsf{ZF}$ to have a nontrivial vector space $V$ such that $V^\ast=\{0\}$, and I'm talking about the algebraic dual here.

With choice given $e\in V$ with $e\neq 0$ it's easy to come up with a functional which is not zero on $e$: extend $\{e\}$ to a basis $\{e\}\cup\{v_i\mid i<\kappa\}$ of $V$ and define $\phi:V\to\Bbb R$ by $\phi(e)=1$ and $\phi(v_i)=0$ for every $i$. Extend by linearity to the whole space.

Note that in the context of Banach spaces we can even come up with a continuous functional which is nonzero on $e$, by using Hahn-Banach to extend the functional $\phi\colon\langle e\rangle\to\Bbb R$ given by $\phi(ae)=a$ to a bounded functional on the whole space.