Variance of the Square

normal distributionstatisticssums-of-squaresvariance

Suppose $X_1, \cdots, X_n$ are a sample of independent variables taken from a normally distributed population with mean $\mu$ and variance $\sigma^2$.
I would like to determine the variance of the squares $X_1^2, \cdots, X_n^2$.
From a Monte Carlo simulation it seems that when $\mu$ is large enough, it is close to $\operatorname{Var}(X^2)= (2\mu\sigma)^2$, but I have no proof, and I'm struggling to come up with one. I understand it has to do with the Chi-Square distribution, but I have not connected the dots.

Best Answer


Wikipedia has the non-central moments of a normal distribution.

$$E(X^4)=\mu^4+6\mu^2\sigma^2+3\sigma^4, E(X^2)=\mu^2+\sigma^2$$


A circuitous answer involving the chi-squared distribution with one degree of freedom:

$$\left(\frac{X-\mu}{\sigma}\right)^2\sim \text{Chi Squared}(1)$$

The variance of a chi-squared random variable with 1 df is $Var(\chi^2_{1})=2$ so $$\begin{split}2&=\frac 1 {\sigma^4}Var(X^2-2X\mu+\mu^2)\\ 2\sigma^4&=Var(X^2)+4\mu^2Var(X)-4\mu Cov(X^2, X)\\ &=Var(X^2)+4\mu^2\sigma^2-4\mu\left(E(X^3)-E(X^2)E(X)\right)\\ &=Var(X^2)+4\mu^2\sigma^2-4\mu(2\mu\sigma^2)\end{split}$$

and so $Var(X^2)=2\sigma^4+4\mu^2\sigma^2$.

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