Vanishing first Chern class implies existence of flat connection


Edit: In the exercise I tried to solve it wasn't stated explicitly that we were dealing with line bundles (though the usage of the symbol $L$ for the vector bundle was a strong suggestion that this was the case), hence why my ponderings in the question post are about vector bundles of arbitrary rank.

Let $M$ be a smooth manifold, $E$ a complex rank $r$ vector bundle on $M$. My definition of the first Chern class $c_1(E)$ of $E$ is
c_1(E)=\left[\text{tr}\left(\frac{i}{2\pi}F^\nabla\right)\right] \in H_{\text{dR}}^2(M)

where $F^\nabla$ is the curvature tensor corresponding to any connection $\nabla$ on $E$.

If $E$ admits a flat connection $\nabla$, then $F^\nabla=0$, and hence $c_1(E)=0$. I want to prove that the converse is true too: if $c_1(E)=0$, then $E$ admits a flat connection.

I know the identity $c_1(E)=c_1(\Lambda^r E)$. Since $\Lambda^r E$ is a line bundle, $c_1(\Lambda^r E)$ is simply the cohomology class of the curvature $F^{\nabla^{\Lambda^r E}}$, where $\nabla^E$ is some connection on $E$ and $\nabla^{\Lambda^r E}$ is the induced connection on $\Lambda^r E$. So $c_1(\Lambda^r E)=0$ means that $F^{\nabla^{\Lambda^r E}}$ is an exact $2$-form.

Maybe I should first show the case that if a complex line bundle $L$ has vanishing first Chern class, then $L$ admits a flat connection, and maybe I can then show that a flat connection on $\Lambda^r E$ is induced by a flat connection on $E$?

Any hints are welcome.

Context: all I know about characteristic classes is what's treated in chapter 5 of Tu's Differential Geometry book, which I've learned is not the modern way of doing things. And see below the exercise that I'm trying to solve.

enter image description here

Best Answer

If $L$ admits a flat connection then obviously $c_1(L)=0$. Conversely, suppose $c_1(L)=0$. Pick a connection $\nabla$ on $L$. Then, by definition, $F_\nabla=d\eta$ for some $1$-form $\eta\in\Omega^1(X)$. As you know from the course, the space of connections is an affine space, and we can define the connection $\nabla'=\nabla-\eta$. Say that the local connection $1$-forms are $A$ and $A'$ respectively. Then the local curvature $2$-form is $$F_{\nabla'}=dA'=d(A-\eta)=dA-d\eta=F_{\nabla}-d\eta=0$$ Hence $\nabla'$ is a flat connection on $L$.