Valuations of $\mathbb Q_p$ with finite residue fields

abstract-algebrafield-theorynumber theoryvaluation-theory

I am concerned with valuations of $\mathbb Q_p$ distinct from the $p$-adic valuation.

It is of course well-known that the residue field of the $p$-adic valuation is finite with $p$ elements. Also, by Chevalley's Extension Theorem, one can extend all other $q$-adic valuations to $\mathbb Q_p$. As is folklore, none of these extensions will be discrete valuations (in fact $v_p$ is the unique discrete valuation on $\mathbb Q_p$). But what about the residue fields?

Is there a valuation domain of $\mathbb Q_p$ independent from $\mathbb Z_p$ that has a finite residue field?

Of course, we could try to use the fundamental equation linking the degrees of the field extension and the residue field extension for finite subextensions. But that gives us nothing, if the indices of the value groups grow infinitely large.

Thank you for your help!

Best Answer

No, if $v$ is a valuation on $\Bbb{Q}_p$ and $O_v/\mathfrak{m}_v$ has finite characteristic $\ell\ne p$ then it contains the algebraic closure of $\Bbb{F}_\ell$.

Proof: take $f\in \Bbb{F}_\ell[x]$, monic irreducible. As $\gcd(p,\ell)=1$ there is $g\in \Bbb{Z}[x]$ monic such that $g\equiv f\bmod \ell, g\equiv x^{\deg(f)}-1\bmod p$.

(if $p$ divides $\deg(f)$ then take instead $g\equiv f\bmod \ell, g\equiv x^{\deg(f)}-x\bmod p$)

By Hensel lemma $g$ has a root in $\Bbb{Q}_p$. This will be a root of $f$ in $O_v/\mathfrak{m}_v$.

Whence $O_v/\mathfrak{m}_v$ contains $\overline{\Bbb{F}}_\ell$.