$U,V\subset \mathbb{R}^n$; if $S\cup T$ is linearly independent for all linearly independent sets $S\subset U, T\subset V$ , then $U\cap V=\{0\}$

linear algebra

Here is my problem:

Let $U, V$ be subspaces of $\mathbb{R}^n$. If $S\cup T$ is linearly independent set for all linearly independent sets $S = \{u_1, …, u_j\} \subset U$, $T = \{v_1, …, v_k\} \subset V$, then $U\cap V =\{0\}$

Here is my attempt so far:

  1. If $S \cup T$ is linearly independent:
    • Take any vector $x\in \operatorname{span}(S) \cap \operatorname{span}(T)$ so $x = c_1u_1 + … + c_ju_j = d_1v_1 + … + d_ku_k$ for some real numbers $c_i$ and $d_i$
    • $c_1u_1 + … + c_ju_j – d_1v_1 – … – d_ku_k = 0$. Since $S \cup T$ is linearly independent, $c_1 = … = c_j = d_1 = … = d_k$
    • So $x = c_1u_1 + … + c_ju_j = 0$ is the only possible vector in $\operatorname{span}(S) \cap \operatorname{span}(T)$

But I'm not sure how to proceed from here to show that $U \cap V = \{0\}$ since $S \subset U$ and $T \subset V$ so $x$ is not necessarily in $U$ or $V$?

I also attempted to prove by contradiction:

  1. Suppose $U \cap V \neq \{0\}$.
    • Then $U \cap V$ must also contain a non-zero vector $x$, so $x \in U$ and $x \in V$.

I'm not sure how to proceed to somehow show that $S \cup T$ will end up linearly dependent for a contradiction

Best Answer

We can prove this by contradiction without the use of a basis.

First notice that as said in the comments, the hypothesis is that for any linearly independent subsets $S\subseteq U,\,V\subseteq V$, $S\cup T$ is a linearly independent set.

Suppose $x\ne0$ is an element in $U\cap V$. Then $\left\{x\right\}\subseteq U$ is a linearly independent subset. Let $S=\left\{x\right\}$. Also, $\left\{2x\right\}\subseteq V$ is a linearly independent subset. Let $T=\left\{2x\right\}$. Then by the hypothesis, $S\cup T=\left\{x,2x\right\}$ should be a linearly independent set. But this is false: $-2\cdot x+(2x)=0$. Therefore $U\cap V=\left\{0\right\}$.

You may wonder if the conclusion still holds when the hypothesis is changed so that for some specific $S=\left\{u_1,\ldots,u_j\right\}$ and $T=\left\{v_1,\ldots,v_k\right\}$, $S\cup T$ is linearly independent. This is clearly false. For example, take $n=2,\,U=V=\mathbb R^2,\,S=\left\{(1,0)\right\},\,T=\left\{(0,1)\right\}$. Then $S$ and $T$ are linearly independent, and so is $S\cup T$, but $U\cap V=\mathbb R^2\ne\left\{0\right\}$.

Hope this helps.