Using the universal characterisation to derive properties of the quotient group and projection


Let $N$ be a normal subgroup of some group $G$. If I understand it correctly a group $Q$ and a homomorphism $\pi \colon G \to Q$ are a quotient group of $G$ by $N$ if for any group $H$ and homomorphism $\phi \colon G \to H$ with $N \subseteq \ker(\phi)$ there is a a unique homomorphism $\psi \colon Q \to H$ with $\phi = \psi \circ \pi$.

I was wondering if this characterization is enough to prove that $\ker(\pi)=N$ and $\pi(G)=Q$ or if details of the standard quotient construction in terms of cosets is required to prove these facts.

Best Answer

Mac Lane doesn't just claim this, he cites the book Algebra by Garret Birkhoff and Saunders Mac Lane (not to be confused with their earlier book A Survey of Modern Algebra) wherein the proofs are carried out (more precisely, pp. 80,81,410-412). The only aspect of normality used in the proofs (at least upon my skimming it) is that normal subgroups are exactly the kernels. In other words, if you replace "normal subgroup" with "kernel of a group homomorphism" in the various statements, the proofs should go through word for word. From this point of view, the coset construction is only a characterization of which subgroups are kernels.

For example, if $N$ is the kernel of $\phi\colon G\to L$, then the universal property of the quotient $G\to G/N$ implies that $N$ is in the kernel of $G/N$ and that we have a factorization $G\to G/N\to L$ of $G\to L$ for a unique $G/N\to L$. But then the kernel of $G\to L$, which is $N$, is contains the kernel of $G/N$, which contains $N$, so $N$ is the kernel of $G/N$.

A more categorical understanding of normality does exist. Namely, a monomorphism $N\hookrightarrow X$ is normal if it is contained in an equivalence class of an equivalence relation on $X$. For more details (though pitched at a somewhat advanced level), see the book From Groups to Categorical Algebra - Introduction to Protomodular and Mal'tsev Categories, by Dominuqe Bourn, or for an even more advanced text, the book Mal'cev, Protomodular, Homological and Semiabelian Categories by Francis Borceux and Dominique Bourn. However, unless the category is exact, normal subgroup are not necessarily kernel, e.g. for Hausdorff topological group kernels are closed normal subgroups.