Using Stokes’ theorem for evaluation of a line integral

line-integralsstokes-theoremvector analysis

Let C be the curve of intersection of the plane $x+y+z=1$ and the cylinder $x^2 +y^2=4$, oriented counterclockwise when viewed from above. What is the value of the line integral $\oint\limits_{C} xy^2dx +x^2ydy+z^3dz$?

I have parametrised the equations for the curve of intersection to give: $x=2cos(u)$, $y=2sin(y)$ and $z=1-2cos(u)-2sin(u)$. What do I do next?

Best Answer

Please note in this specific case, your vector field is gradient of scalar field $F$

where $F = \frac{x^2y^2}{2} + \frac{z^4}{4}$.

$(xy^2, x^2y, z^3) = \nabla(\frac{x^2y^2}{2} + \frac{z^4}{4})$

As it is in conservative vector field, the line integral over a closed loop will be zero.

But if it was not, please note that you are interested in intersection curve of $x^2 + y^2 = 4$ and $x + y + z = 1$. The unit normal vector to the plane will be $(\frac{1}{\sqrt3}, \frac{1}{\sqrt3}, \frac{1}{\sqrt3}).$

You then need to find curl of the vector field $\nabla \times F$ normal to the surface (do a dot product with unit normal) and then do the double integral.