Using numerical methods to solve $x^2 \sin (2 \pi x)=33 \sin \left(\frac{66 \pi }{x}\right)$


On a recent question I asked, Claude Leibovici had a nice answer. However, I do not understand one part when he says "[solving the equation] would require numerical methods". What are these "numerical methods" and how would I use it to solve my problem? For reference, I put my equation below: $$x^2 \sin (2 \pi x)=33 \sin \left(\frac{66 \pi }{x}\right)$$ I am primarily focused on intergral solutions.

Best Answer

$\def\e{\varepsilon} \def\d{\delta}$Here is another approach for finding approximate solutions. Define $$f(x) = x^2\sin 2\pi x - 33\sin \frac{66\pi}{x}.$$ We wish to find the zeros of $f(x)$.

For small $x$, $f(x)\approx -33\sin 66\pi/x$, the zeros for which are \begin{align*} x_n = \frac{66}{n} \tag{1} \end{align*} for $n$ an integer. This integer must be large for the technique to be self-consistent, $n\gg 66$. It can be shown that for large $n$ the error on this approximation is of order $1/n^5$. In fact, if $X_n$ is the true zero nearest $x_n=66/n$, one can show that $X_n-x_n\approx (-1)^{n+1}1149984/n^5$.

For large $x$ we must search for zeros near the zeros of $\sin 2\pi x$, since in the limit $\sin 66\pi/x\approx 66\pi/x\rightarrow 0$. For integral $n$, we expand $f(n/2+\e)$ for small $\e$ to linear order, set the result equal to zero, and solve for $\e$. We find \begin{align*} \e \approx \e_n \equiv \frac{66}{\pi} \frac{ n^2 \sin \frac{132\pi}{n}}{(-1)^n n^4+17424\cos\frac{132\pi}{n}}.\tag{2} \end{align*} For $n$ very large we find \begin{align*} \e \approx \e_n' \equiv (-1)^n\frac{8712}{n^3}.\tag{3} \end{align*} Thus, the zeros of $f(x)$ for large $x$ are given by $$x_n \approx \frac{n}{2}+\e_n \approx \frac{n}{2}+\e_n'.$$ We expect the approximation $x_n = n/2+\e_n'$ to work well if $n\gg 132\pi$. If $X_n$ is the true zero nearest $x_n=n/2+\e_n'$, one can show that $X_n-x_n\approx (-1)^{n+1}25299648/n^5$.

Below we plot $f(x)$ and some of the predicted zeros using the approximations above.

enter image description here

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It has become clear to me from the comments that this question is about finding exact integer solutions, not all real solutions. If $x$ is an integer we immediately have $\sin 2\pi x=0$ and so the problem reduces to solving $\sin 66\pi/x=0$ where $x$ is an integer. Thus, $66\pi/x=n\pi$ for some integer $n$ and so $x=66/n$. The solutions will be the divisors of $66$, so $x=\pm1,\pm2,\pm3,\pm6,\pm11,\pm22,\pm33,\pm66$. Note that there are in fact an infinite number of real solutions but only a finite number of integer solutions to this equation.

More generally if we wish to solve $$x^2\sin 2\pi x=a\sin\frac{N\pi}{x},$$ where $N$ is an integer, for integer $x$ we again must only satisfy $\sin N\pi/x = 0$ and so $x= N/n$ where $n$ is an integer, i.e., $x$ is a divisor of $N$. The problem is fundamentally about factoring $N$. This can be done by hand or by using software. Here is a starting point to learn about integer factorization.

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