Using Ito calculus to prove that $\int_0^t W_s^2dW_s = \frac{1}{3} W_t^3 – \int_0^t W_s d_s$


I am busy trying to teach myself some stochastic calculus and have come across a statement that I am trying to prove.

How can I prove that
\int_0^t W_s^2dW_s = \frac{1}{3} W_t^3 – \int_0^t W_s d_s

where $W \in \mathbb{R} $ is Brownian motion, using Ito's rule?

Best Answer

Use the other author's hint, $f(w,t)=w^3$. Then, compute the partial derivatives needed for Ito's lemma: $$\partial_{w}f=3w^2$$ $$\partial_{w^2}f=6w$$ $$\partial_{t}f=0$$ Plug in Ito's formula, $$d(W_t^3)=3W_t^2dW_t+3W_tdt$$ Then integrate both sides from $0$ to $t$ (introduce dummy variable $s$), $$W_t^3=3\int_{0}^{t}W_s^2dW_s+3\int_{0}^{t}W_sds$$ Reaarange, done. Of course, there are other $f(w,t)$'s that you can plug in.