Using inverse Laplace transform to solve differential equation

laplace transformordinary differential equationspartial fractions

The differential equation is as follows-

$$\frac{d^2 x}{dt^2} + 5 \frac{dx}{dt} + 6x = e^t $$

I use laplace transform to make it to become – $$X(s) = \frac{1}{(s-1)(s+3)(s+2)}$$
where $X(s)$ is the Laplace transform of $X(t)$

So now I am trying to find $X(t)$ using inverse transform.

From partial fractions-

$X(s) = \frac{1}{(s-1)(s+3)(s+2)} = \frac{A}{s-1} + \frac{B}{s+3} + \frac{C}{s+2} $

Numerator – $ 1 = A(s+3)(s+2) + B(s-1)(s+2) + C(s-1)(s+3) $

I am stuck from here on how to carry on this partial fraction

Can I sub all s values to be 0 ?

For example

$1 = A(0+3)(0+2)$

$1= B(0-1)(0+2) $

$1 = C (0-1)(0+3) $

Best Answer

$ s=0$ is not the best choice

There are three values to assign to $s$ which makes our life very easy.

$$1 = A(s+3)(s+2) + B(s-1)(s+2) + C(s-1)(s+3)$$

$$ s=1 \implies 12A=1 \implies A=\frac {1}{12}$$

$$ s=-3 \implies 4B=1 \implies B=\frac {1}{4}$$

$$ s=-2 \implies -3C=1 \implies C=\frac {-1}{3}$$

Now you proceed with the inverse Laplace Transform.