Logic – How Does Order Matter with \forall and \exists in Multiple Variables?


I am trying to understand what $\forall$ and $\exists$ mean. Please consider the following expression.
$$ \forall x \, \exists y \, \forall z \, \left( z = \frac{x-y}{3} \right) $$
I claim that the above statement is false because when $x = 2$ is selected and $y = 0$ is
selected we have:
$$ \forall z \, \left( z = \frac{2}{3} \right) $$ which is not true for all $z$
Also consider the following expression.
$$ \forall x \, \forall z \, \exists y \, \left( z = \frac{x-y}{3} \right) $$ I claim this is true because
we can always set $y = x – 3z$.
It appears to me that the order of the variables does matter. That is,
$\forall x \, \exists y \, \forall z$ has a different meaning than
$ \forall x \, \forall z \, \exists y \, $. Am I right?

Best Answer

One way to think of it is as a game where if you assert a sentence is true, I get to pick all the variables that have $\forall$ in an effort to make the sentence false and you get to choose the $\exists$ variables in an effort to make the sentence true. We pick in the order the quantifiers come. In your example, if the quantifiers are $\forall x \exists y \forall z$, I pick $x$, then you pick $y$ and finally I pick $z$. For your sentence, it is easy to see I can always pick a $z$ that makes it false. If the quantifiers are $\forall x \forall z \exists y$ I have to pick $x$ and $z$ before you pick $y$. You can rearrange the sentence to $y=x-3z$, so you can make it true no matter which $x,z$ I pick. The first version is false, the second is true, so clearly the order of quantifiers matters.

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