Using Farkas’ Lemma to Prove Strong Duality

convex optimizationdiscrete optimizationlinear programming

I've been trying to prove the Strong Duality Theorem following these slides. In those slides, we start with proving Farkas' lemma, then a corollary followed by the proof of the Strong Duality Theorem. To prove Farkas' lemma, I first proved that $\{A(x)|x \in X_n\}$ where $X_j = \{x=(x_1,x_2 \dots x_j) \in \mathbb{R}^j | x_i \geq 0 \text{ for all } 1\leq i \leq j\}$ and $A \in M(m,n)$, is a closed, convex set. This was deceptively hard and has been discussed in these answers. Using this I managed to prove the following:
Let $b\in \mathbb{R}^m$. Exactly one of these two linear programs have a solution:
x &\in X_n \nonumber

(A^Ty) &\in X_n\\
\langle b,y \rangle &< 0 \nonumber\\
y &\in \mathbb{R}^m

This is Farkas' lemma. I also managed to prove this "corollary". I put it in quotes because I could not use the Farkas' lemma directly to get the result. The corollary is as follows: Let $b\in \mathbb{R}^m$. Exactly one of these two linear programs have a solution:
x &\in X_n \nonumber\\
s &\in X_m \nonumber

A^Ty &\in X_n \nonumber\\
\langle b,y \rangle &< 0 \\
y &\in X_m \nonumber

The final step of this puzzle, which directly proves the Strong Duality Theorem is what I am trying to solve. This is what I am trying to prove now: For any $\alpha \in \mathbb{R}$, $b\in \mathbb{R}^m$, and $c\in \mathbb{R}^n$, prove that exactly one of these two linear programs have a solution:
\langle c,x \rangle &\leq \alpha \nonumber\\
x &\in X_n \nonumber\\
s &\in X_m \nonumber

\langle b,y \rangle + \alpha z&< 0 \\
A^Ty + cz&\in X_n \nonumber\\
y &\in X_m \nonumber\\
z &\in \mathbb{R}_+ \nonumber

Here are my questions:

  • Is there a way to prove Farkas' corollary using Farkas' lemma?
  • How do I prove the last step from Farkas' corollary?

Best Answer

The first system of the last alternative is $$ Ax+s = b, \ \langle c,x\rangle \le \alpha, \ x\ge 0, \ s \ge0. $$ Introducting a slack variable $t\ge 0$, this can be written as $$ \pmatrix{A& I & 0 \\ c^T&0 & 1} \pmatrix{ x \\ s \\ t} = \pmatrix {b \\ \alpha } $$ with $x\ge0,s\ge0,t\ge0$. By Farkas Lemma, either this system or the following one is solvable: $$ \pmatrix{A^T & c\\ I & 0 \\ 0 & 1} \pmatrix{y \\ z} \ge 0 $$ $$ b^Ty + \alpha z < 0, $$ which is the second alternative in the last system.