Using Boolean algebra, how to convert the SOP expression listed below into A ⊕ B ⊕ C ⊕ D

boolean-algebracomputer sciencelogic

SOP expression:

A'B'C'D + A'B'CD' + A'BC'D' + A'BCD + AB'C'D' + AB'CD + ABC'D + ABCD'

Desired expression:

A ⊕ B ⊕ C ⊕ D

Best Answer

Apply the distributive law to factor out $A$ and $A'$:

$$A'(B'C'D + B'CD' + BCD + BC'D') + A(B'C'D' + B'CD + BC'D + BCD')$$

Within the parentheses, factor out $B$ and $B'$:

$$A'(B'(C'D + CD') + B(CD + C'D')) + A(B'(C'D' + CD) + B(C'D + CD'))$$

Rewrite $(C'D+CD')$ by $(C \oplus D)$ and $(C'D'+CD)$ by $(C \oplus D)'$:

$$A'(B'(C \oplus D) + B(C \oplus D)') + A(B'(C \oplus D)' + B(C \oplus D))$$

In a similar manner:

$$A'(B \oplus (C \oplus D)) + A(B \oplus (C \oplus D))'$$


$$A \oplus (B \oplus (C \oplus D))$$

Exclusive or is associative. Therefore, parentheses can be omitted:

$$A \oplus B \oplus C \oplus D$$

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