Using a Lyapunov function to classify stability and sketching a phase portrait

lyapunov-functionsordinary differential equationsstability-in-odes

Consider the system
$$x' = -x^3-xy^{2k}$$
$$y' = -y^3-x^{2k}y$$
Where $k$ is a given positive integer.

a.) Find and classify according to stability the equilibrium solutions.

$\it{Hint:}$ Let $V(x,y) = x^2 + y^2$

b.) Sketch a phase portrait when $k = 1$

$\it{Hint:}$ What are $x'$ and $y'$ when $y=ax$ for some real number $a$?

Using $V$, we get $\frac{d}{dt}V=2xx'+2yy'$

Plugging in our system , we get:

I dropped the $2$ since it doesn't matter to determine stability. We see that our own equilibrium is $(0,0)$ since setting $x'=0$ we get
Which only works for $x=y=0$

Therefore our system is asymptotically stable at the origin.

I am having trouble with b.), mostly because the hint is confusing me.

Let $y=ax$, then our system becomes
I am not sure what to do with this. Using linearization doesn't work since the Jacobian will be the zero vector at the point of interest. I have never had a problem that asks to draw a phase portrait when linearization doesn't work, so I am hoping someone more clever than me can offer some advice.

Best Answer

Although there are many ways to do this, I suspect what the problem is guiding you towards doing is to obtain the flow directly by evaluating over every line that intersects the origin in phase space.

So for a sketch, you would draw the line $y = 0.1 x$, and use the expression you found above for $a = 0.1$ to determine the magnitude and direction of the flow on that line. Then try it for a couple of other different lines, and use common sense to fill in the rest.