Use Theorem 1.1.1 below to verify the logical equivalence and supply a reason for each step


Logical Equivalences

I have question about Simplifying Statement Forms, this question

$$\lnot(p \lor \lnot q) \lor(\lnot p \land \lnot q) ≡ \lnot p$$

and this my answer
\lnot(p \lor \lnot q) \lor(\lnot p \land \lnot q) &≡ (\lnot p \land \lnot\lnot q) \lor (\lnot p \land \lnot q)&&\text{De Morgan’s laws}\\
&≡(\lnot p \land q) \lor (\lnot p \land \lnot q)&&\text{Double Negative law}\\
&≡p \land (q \lor \lnot q) &&\text{Distributive laws}\\
&≡p \land t &&\text{Negation laws}\\
&≡p &&\text{Identity laws}\\

my answer is correct or not ?

Best Answer

Welcome to MSE! No, its not correct. The third line should be $\neg p \wedge (q\vee \neg q)$.

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