Use Cramer’s rule for $AX=0$

linear algebrasystems of equations

For a general system of equation $AX=b$, Cramer's rule states to obtain $x_j$, we need to replace the $j$th column of $A$ with $b$, let us name this matrix as $D_j$ then calculate


How ever if $b=0$, it always returns the trivial solution $0$ because the numerator will be determinant of a matrix whose $j$th column is zero. I would like to know how to solve the system by Cramer rule for $AX=0$?

Best Answer

Cramer's rule is useful to solve the linear system $Ax=b$ only if $\text{det}(A)\neq 0$. When $\text{det}(A)\neq 0$ the homogeneous linear system $Ax=0$ has only the zero solution $x=0$. Notice that if the square matrix $A$ is invertible, one has
$$Ax=0 \iff A^{-1}Ax=A^{-1}0 \iff Ix=0 \iff x=0$$ where $I$ is the identity matrix.

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