Use compactness to prove that a closed bounded set of real numbers has a maximum

real numbersreal-analysis

Use compactness to prove that a closed bounded set of real number has a maximum

I met this problem when I read the introduction to point set topology in Ahlfor's book. It's convenient to solve the problem by using the closed and bounded property, since boundedness means infimum and supremum and closed means infimum and supremum are elements of the set.

I know a closed and bounded subset of $\mathbb{R}$ means compactness. Suppose that there's no maximum, so $\forall{x_i}\in{X}$,$\exists{x_{k}}\in{X}$,s.t.$x_{k}\gt{x_{i}}$.I want to make an open covering $\bigcup(x_i-\frac{3}{2}(x_{k}-x_i),x_i+\frac{3}{2}(x_{k}-x_i))$ of the set to show it contradictory,but I get confused of how to show it contracdictory.

Best Answer

You've got part of the idea, but you need to pick your open sets to be distant from the supremum.

Let me propose, however, another argument. For each $x\in X$, the set $X_x=X\cap [x,\infty)$ is nonempty and closed, and if you intersect finitely many of these, you obtain

$$X_{x_1}\cap X_{x_2}\cap\dots\cap X_{x_n}=X_{\max \{x_i\}}\neq \emptyset.$$

Therefore by an equivalent formulation of compactness (which I strongly encourage you to review if you are not familiar with it, as it makes life easier sometimes to think of closed sets vs open), the intersection $$Y:=\bigcap_{x\in X} X_x\subseteq X$$ is nonempty. Let $y\in Y$, so that $y\in X$ as well. Then $y\in X_x$ for all $x\in X$ implies $y\geq x$ for all $x\in X$, so $y$ is the maximum element of $X$.


If we restate the problem to prove that a compact subset has a maximum, then the statement remains true in much greater generality than just $\mathbb R$, and in fact holds if we replace $\mathbb R$ with any totally ordered set with its order topology, using the exact same proof. (In this generality, closed and bounded need not imply compact, and in fact need not imply the existence of a maximum, so we must begin with compactness in the premise of the theorem.)

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