Upper Bound on Expected Value of $n$ i.i.d. Poisson random variables.

expected valueprobabilityprobability distributions

Let $\{X_i \}_{i=1}^n$ be i.i.d. from a Poisson random variable with mean $\lambda$ and let $$M_n = \max_{1 \le i \le n} X_i.$$
What is a tight upper bound on $\mathbb{E}[M_n]$? I can prove that
\mathbb{E}[M_n] \le \frac{(\lambda+1) \log n}{\log \log n} + O \left( \frac{1}{\log \log n} \right)

but numerically this bound is not tight. Can someone give a tighter analysis or point to a reference with one?

Proof of my bound:

Let $s > 0$. Then by Jensen's inequality,
$$ e^{s \mathbb{E}[M_n]} \le \mathbb{E}[e^{sM_n}] \le \sum_{i-1}^n \mathbb{E}[e^{sX_i}] = ne^{\lambda(e^s-1)}$$
from the moment generating function. Then taking the logarithm of both sides gives
$$ \mathbb{E}[M_n] \le \frac{\log n}s + \frac{\lambda(e^s-1)}{s}.$$
Finally, the minimum of the function on the right hand side should be around $s = \log \log n$ which gives the bound above.

Best Answer

The paper https://arxiv.org/pdf/0903.4373.pdf mentions that as $n \to \infty$, $M_n$ becomes concentrated at two adjacent values located asymptotically at $\sim \log n/ \log \log n$ independent of $\lambda$ with probability approaching 1. Even tighter estimates are given there.