Unitary operators, inner products and unit operators with Dirac notation


From my notes, I have that for a unitary matrix:

$$\underline{\underline{U}}^\dagger=\underline{\underline{U}}^{-1},\qquad \underline{\underline{U}}^\dagger=\big(\underline{\underline{U}}^{T}\big)^*$$
and for unitary matrix, $\underline{\underline A}$, the scalar product is such that
$$\Big(\underline x, \,{\underline{\underline{A}}\cdot{\underline y}}\Big)=\Big({\underline{\underline{A}}^\dagger\cdot\underline x, \,{\underline y}}\Big)\tag{1}$$

then $$\Big({\underline{\underline{U}}\cdot\underline x, \,{\underline{\underline{U}}}\cdot{\underline y}}\Big)=\Big({\underline{\underline{U}}^{\dagger}\cdot{\underline{\underline{U}}}\cdot\underline x,\,{\underline y}}\Big)=(\underline x,\, \underline y)\tag{2}$$


In the notation I'm using, I denote a vector with an underline and a matrix with a double-underline, but in $(1)$ and $(2)$ I didn't want to put the dot between vectors and matrices, but without the dot the underlines merge together which looks bad, sorry about this.

My first problem is that I do not understand the logic behind equation $(1)$ (and hence $(2)$ also). As I mentioned in the first comment to my previous question – I only have access to some incomplete (written) lecture notes where $(1)$ was given without proof, I tried to find proof of this property, but am so far unsuccessful.

Instead of leaving the question at that, I'm going to put this question into context by asking 2 more related questions that utilize this property:

  1. Proof of linear independence of degeneracy for $C_3$ symmetry group:

Suppose we have a group $$G: C_3, C_3^2=C_3^{-1}, C_3^3=E$$
With character table
C_{3} & E
& C_3 & C_3^2=C_3^{-1} \\\hline
\chi^{(1)} & 1 & 1 & 1 \\\hline
\chi^{(2)} & 1 & e^{i 2\pi/3} & e^{-i 2\pi/3}\\\hline
\chi^{(3)} & 1 & e^{-i 2\pi/3} & e^{i 2\pi/3}\\\hline

Character table displays no degeneracy as IRREPs, $\chi$ are 1D. But,
there is actually a 2-fold degeneracy as $$\hat H \psi_n=E_n \psi_n$$
& $$\hat H \psi_n^*=E_n \psi_n^*$$ so $\psi_n$ and $\psi_n^*$ both have energy $E_n$. So if $\psi_n$, $\psi_n^*$ belong to $\chi$, $\chi^*$ then they are linearly independent. $\psi_n$ is the basis for $\chi$ and $\psi_n^*$ is the basis for $\chi^*$.

To show linear independence take inner product:

$$\bbox[5px,border:2px solid blue]{\psi_n \in \big(1,\, e^{+i\phi},\, e^{-i\phi}\big)\\
{\psi_n}^* \in \big(1,\, e^{-i\phi},\, e^{+i\phi}\big)}\tag{X}$$

where $\phi=2\pi/3$

$$\hat T_{C_3}\psi_n=e^{+i\phi}\psi_n$$
$$\hat T_{C_3}{\psi_n}^*=e^{-i\phi}{\psi_n}^*$$
Where $\hat T_{C_3}$ is a coordinate transformation operator corresponding to a $C_3$ rotation.

So inner product is $\langle \psi_n |{\psi_n}^*\rangle=\langle \psi_n |\hat T_{C_3}^{-1}\hat T_{C_3}|{\psi_n}^*\rangle$, where $\bbox[yellow,5px]{\hat T_{C_3} \hat T_{C_3}^{-1}=\hat 1}$, where $\hat 1$ is the unit operator, since $\bbox[5px,border:2px solid green]{\hat T_g^{-1}=\hat T_g^\dagger}$ for group element $g$. So
$$\langle \psi_n |\hat T_{C_3}^{-1}\hat T_{C_3}|{\psi_n}^*\rangle\stackrel{\color{red}{?}}{=}\langle\hat T_{C_3}\psi_n | \hat T_{C_3}{\psi_n}^*\rangle =\langle e^{+i\phi}\psi_n |e^{-i\phi}{\psi_n}^*\rangle\stackrel{\color{blue}{?}}{=}{\big(e^{+i\phi}\big)}^*e^{-i\phi}\langle\psi_n|\psi_n^*\rangle\tag{3}$$$$\implies\langle\psi_n|\psi_n^*\rangle=e^{-2i\phi}\langle\psi_n|\psi_n^*\rangle\implies \langle\psi_n|\psi_n^*\rangle=0 \quad\blacksquare$$

For the red question mark, I have no idea how that equality follows. With regards to the blue question mark, I'm not sure, but, I think this may be a property of the Dirac notation; whereby the Bras are complex row vectors such that, $\langle A |=\big(a_1^*,a_2^*,a_3^*,\cdots\big)$, so to take the exponential outside requires taking the complex conjugate of the exponential. Can someone please confirm whether this logic is correct and explain to me how the red equality follows?

  1. Part of the derivation of the matrix element in selection rules.

For matrix element $$O_{\alpha\, i\, j}=\langle \psi_i |\hat O_\alpha|\phi_j\rangle=\langle\psi_i|\color{red}{\hat T_g^{-1}}\hat T_g \hat O_\alpha \hat T_g^{-1}\hat T_g | \phi_j\rangle\stackrel{?}{=}\langle\hat T_g \psi_i | \hat T_g \hat O_\alpha \hat T_g^{-1}|\hat T_g \phi_j\rangle\tag{4}$$

In the above, I think the author is inserting the unit operator twice, used earlier in the green box, (where it was used for a particular group element, $C_3$ – highlighted yellow). In the last equality with a question mark above it, I can see that the author has distributed the $\hat T_g$ into the Ket (which by my understanding are just column vectors with no complex numbers). But how did the $\hat T_g^{-1}$ (marked red) end up operating on the far left of the Bra?


I have been given a nice swift proof of equation $(1)$; $(x,Ay) = x^\dagger Ay = (A^\dagger x)^\dagger y = (A^\dagger x, y)$ with thanks to @BenGrossmann. I understand this simple proof and I had hoped it would allow me to understand instances 1. and 2. But there is a problem.

Am I to interpret inner product, $(x,Ay)$ as $\langle x|A y\rangle$ in the Dirac notation?

The problem is that in $(3)$ and $(4)$ we are not computing an inner product, but instead a matrix element, which by my understanding is written generally as $$\langle \phi |\hat Q|\psi \rangle\equiv \int\phi^*(x)\hat Q\psi(x)dx$$ and this can be seen on page 1 of this

In the case of $(3)$ the unit operator is being used, $$\langle \psi_n |\hat 1|{\psi_n}^*\rangle\langle \psi_n |\hat T_{C_3}^{-1}\hat T_{C_3}|{\psi_n}^*\rangle\stackrel{\color{red}{?}}{=}\langle\hat T_{C_3}\psi_n | \hat T_{C_3}{\psi_n}^*\rangle$$

Whereas in the case of $(4)$
$$O_{\alpha\, i\, j}=\langle \psi_i |\hat O_\alpha|\phi_j\rangle=\langle\psi_i|\hat 1 \hat O_\alpha \hat 1| \phi_j\rangle=\langle\psi_i|\color{red}{\hat T_g^{-1}}\hat T_g \hat O_\alpha \hat T_g^{-1}\hat T_g | \phi_j\rangle\stackrel{?}{=}\langle\hat T_g \psi_i | \hat T_g \hat O_\alpha \hat T_g^{-1}|\hat T_g \phi_j\rangle

Since neither $(3)$ or $(4)$ are inner products I cannot utilize the now proven $(1)$. So could someone please explain how the equalities (with question marks above them) follow?

Best Answer

The bra-ket notation "in the abstract" represents a Hermitian inner product on the Hilbert space of states, where by definition linearity holds in second argument and swapping the arguments conjugates the result: $\langle \phi | (z+w) \psi \rangle=z\langle \phi | \psi \rangle+w\langle \phi | \psi \rangle$ and $\langle \phi | \psi \rangle=\overline{\langle \psi | \phi \rangle}$. This implies $\langle (z+w) \phi | \psi \rangle=\overline{z+w}\langle \phi | \psi \rangle$, so the product is conjugate-linear in the first argument. (Note that this is a matter of convention; mathematicians often choose the Hermitian inner product to be linear in the first entry and conjugate-linear in the second one. This does not affect things in any substantial way, but I think both your sources use the "linear in second entry" convention, so we'll stick to that).

This explains the blue question mark in (3).

In the case when $\psi$ and $\phi$ are column vectors in some $\mathbb{C}^n$, the "usual" or "standard" inner product given by $\langle \phi | \psi \rangle= \sum_{j=1}^n \overline{\phi_j}\psi_j$ (where each of the components $\phi_j$ and $\psi_j$ is a complex number). This has the properties above, that is, it's an example of a Hermitian inner product (making $\mathbb{C}^n$ into a Hilbert space). It can also be written in matrix notation as $\langle \phi | \psi \rangle=\bar{\phi}^T\psi=\psi^T\overline{\phi}$.

Suppose now that $A$ is a (bounded, linear) operator on our Hilbert space then its Hermitian conjugate $A^\dagger$ is DEFINED by $\langle \phi, A \psi \rangle=\langle A^\dagger \phi, \psi \rangle$ (this is uniquely defined since knowing product of $A^\dagger \phi$ with all vectors specifies $A^\dagger \phi$ uniquely, and one can check that the resulting map $A^\dagger$ is linear and bounded). Thus your equation (1) is a definition of $A^\dagger$.

We have $(XY)^\dagger=Y^\dagger X^\dagger$. Indeed, from definitions $\langle (XY)^\dagger u, v\rangle=\langle u, XYv \rangle=\langle X^\dagger u, Yv \rangle=\langle Y^\dagger X^\dagger u, Yv \rangle$ for all $u,v$, so $(XY)^\dagger=Y^\dagger X^\dagger$. This extends to products of more than one operators, so that, for example, $(ABCD)^\dagger=D^\dagger C^\dagger B^\dagger A^\dagger$.

If the Hilbert space is $\mathbb{C}^n$, then dagger becomes "conjugate transpose" operation, since it is easy to check that in that case $\langle \phi, A \psi \rangle=\overline{\phi}^T A\psi=(A^T\overline{\phi})^T\psi=\langle \overline{A}^T \phi, \psi\rangle$.

The bra-ket notation is then extended to be $\langle \phi | A|\psi\rangle=\langle \phi | A\psi\rangle$ by definition. We have from above that this equals $\langle A^\dagger \phi | \psi\rangle$.

Unitary matrices can be defined EITHER as ones with $\langle U\phi| U\psi\rangle=\langle \phi| \psi \rangle$ OR as ones for which $U^\dagger=U^{-1}$. It is immediate from definition of $\dagger$ that these are equivalent.

Now all the operations in your question marks are explained: Suppose we have an expression like $\langle\phi |ABCD|\psi\rangle$. By definition this is $\langle\phi |ABCD\psi\rangle$. This is also equal to $\langle\phi|ABC |D\psi\rangle$ or $\langle\phi|AB |CD\psi\rangle$ etc. This means that we can move the righttmost operator inbetween-bars to the right. It is also, as we noted above, by the definition adjoint, equal to $\langle (ABCD)^\dagger \phi |\psi\rangle$. As established before, this is the same as $\langle D^\dagger C^\dagger B^\dagger A^\dagger \phi |\psi\rangle$. and the same as $\langle (BCD)^\dagger A^\dagger \phi |\psi\rangle=\langle A^\dagger \phi |(BCD)\psi\rangle=\langle A^\dagger \phi|BCD |\psi\rangle$. This means that we can move the lefttmost operator inbetween-bars to the left with a dagger.

If the operator is unitary, then the dagger becomes inverse.

As a final note, when $\psi$ and $\phi$ are not finite-dimensional, but, instead lie in the space of complex-valued $L^2$ functions (on some space $X$) then the Hermitian product is the L^2 inner product $\langle \phi| \psi \rangle=\int_X \overline{\phi(x)}\psi(x) dx$ and our extended definition becomes $\langle \phi|A|\psi\rangle=\int_X \overline{\phi(x)}A(\psi(x)) dx$ agreeing with the formula in your post.

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