Unique morphism of Schemes into the spectrum of integers


I wish to prove the following: For every scheme $X$ there exists a unique morphism of schemes $X\rightarrow Spec(\mathbb{Z})$.

Here is what I have so far: if $X$ is affine, say $X\simeq Spec(A)$ for a ring $A$, I know that morphisms of schemes $Spec(A)\rightarrow Spec(B)$ are in one to one correspondence with ring homomorphisms $B\rightarrow A$. Any homomorphism $\phi:\mathbb{Z}\rightarrow A$ must satisfy $\phi(1) = 1$ and is thus unique.

If $X$ is a scheme, we have an open cover $(X_i)_{i\in I}$ such that $(X_i,\mathcal{O}_{X}\mid X_i ) \simeq (Spec(A_i),\mathcal{O}_{Spec(A_i)})$ and hence, there are unique morphisms $f_i:(X_i,\mathcal{O}_{X}\mid X_i )\rightarrow (Spec(\mathbb{Z}),\mathcal{O}_{Spec(\mathbb{Z})})$.

Now I would like to construct a global morphism $f$ by glueing together the local parts $f_i$ but I am not sure how (or even if) this works.

Best Answer

Let $X$ be a scheme an let $R$ be a ring. Let me maybe suggest you to try to prove the following:

There is a natural bijection $\text{Hom}_{\text{Sch}}(X, \text{Spec}(R)) \cong \text{Hom}_{\text{Ring}}(R, \Gamma(X,\mathcal{O}_X)).$

This is not only a very useful statement, but also implies what you want to prove as you can use that $\mathbb{Z}$ is a initial object in the category of rings like you were doing for the affine case.

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