Unions & Intersection of Probability

conditional probabilitydiscrete mathematicsindependenceprobability

I've had all three answers below marked wrong, and I am not sure how to proceed. I have included my thinking.

Suppose we are interested in the buying habits of shoppers at a particular grocery store with regards to whether they purchase apples, milk, and/or bread. Now suppose $30\%$ of all shoppers at this particular grocery store buy apples, $45\%$ buy milk, and $40\%$ buy a loaf of bread.
Let $A$ be the event that a randomly selected shopper buys apples, $B$ be the event that the same randomly selected shopper buys milk, and $C$ the event that the shopper buys bread. Suppose we also know (from data collected) the following information:

  • The probability that the shopper buys apples and milk is $0.20$.
  • The probability that the shopper buys milk and bread is $0.25$.
  • The probability that the shopper buys apples and bread is $0.12$.
  • The probability that the shopper buys all three items is $0.07$.

a) Find the probability that the shopper purchases at least one of the three items.

My attempt :
$P(A \cup B \cup C) =
P(A)+P(B)+P(C)-P(A \cap B)-P(B \cap C)-P(A \cap C)+P(A \cap B \cap C)=.30+.45+.40-.2-.25-.12 + .17 =0.75$

b) Find the probability that the shopper purchases none of the three items.

My attempt :
$P(A' \cup B' \cup C')=(1-.3) \times (1-.45) \times (1-.4)=.7 \times .45 \times .4 = .231$

c) Find the probability that the shopper buys milk and bread but not apples.

My attempt :
$P(A' \cap B \cap C)=(1-.3) \times .45 \times .4 =0.126$


I have also tried doing this with naive probability and the answers are still not accepted.

s=c(111, 110, 101, 011, 100, 001, 010, 000)
at_least_1= c(111, 110, 101, 011, 100, 001, 010)

none=c(111, 110, 101, 011, 100, 001, 010, 000)

milk_and_bread=c(111, 110, 101, 011, 100, 001, 010, 000)

Best Answer

c) Find the probability that the shopper buys milk and bread but not apples.

My attempt: $P(A' \cap B \cap C)=(1-.3) \times .45 \times .4=0.126$

$$P(A' \cap B \cap C)=\mathbf{0.18}\ne0.126= P(A')\times P(B)\times P(C).$$ (The correct answer $\mathbf{0.18}$ is explained below.) Thus, events $A',B,C$ are not in fact mutually independent. So, events $A,B,C$ are also not independent.

Incidentally, note that

  • $P(X \cap Y \cap Z)=P(X)\times P(Y)\times P(Z){\kern.6em\not\kern-.6em\implies}$ $X,Y,Z$ are independent
  • $X,Y,Z$ are pairwise independent ${\kern.6em\not\kern-.6em\implies} P(X \cap Y \cap Z)=P(X)\times P(Y)\times P(Z).$

b) Find the probability that the shopper purchases none of the three items.

My attempt: $P(A' \cup B' \cup C')=(1-.3) \times (1-.45) \times (1-.4)=.231$

You meant to write $P(A' \cap B' \cap C');$ unfortunately, as above, $$P(A' \cap B' \cap C')\ne P(A')\times P(B')\times P(C').$$

a) Find the probability that the shopper purchases at least one of the three items.

My attempt: $P(A \cup B \cup C) = P(A)+P(B)+P(C)-P(A \cap B)-P(B \cap C)-P(A \cap C)+P(A \cap B \cap C)=.30+.45+.40-.2-.25-.12 + .17 =0.75$

You misread $0.07$ as $0.17,$ so your answer is too big by $0.10.$


Let $A$ be the event that a randomly selected shopper buys apples, $B$ be the event that the same randomly selected shopper buys milk, and $C$ the event that the shopper buys bread.

Why does the problem statement make $B$ stand for Milk instead of Bread? To lower the cognitive load, thereby working faster and less carelessly, it would be better to begin by redefining the sets as $A,M,B.$ However, below, I'm just sticking to the assigned set names, $A,B,C.$

  • $30\%$ of all shoppers buy apples
  • $45\%$ buy milk
  • $40\%$ buy a loaf of bread
  • probability that buys apples and milk is $0.20$
  • probability that buys milk and bread is $0.25$
  • probability that buys apples and bread is $0.12$
  • probability that buys all three items is $0.07$

A Venn diagram (with the probabilities scaled by $100)$ can capture the above information. Start from the last bullet point and work upwards.

enter image description here

c) Find the probability that the shopper buys milk and bread but not apples.

c) $\mathbf{0.18}$

b) Find the probability that the shopper purchases none of the three items.

b) $\mathbf{0.35}$

a) Find the probability that the shopper purchases at least one of the three items.

a) $1-0.35=\mathbf{0.65}$ (alternatively, add up the numbers in the circles then divide by $100).$

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