Union of two vector subspaces equals the vector space

abstract-algebralinear algebravector-spaces

Let $V$ be a vector space over $F$ and $U_1$ , $U_2$ be subspaces of $V$.

The claim is that if (the union) $U_1 \cup U_2 = V$, then $U_1 = V$ or $U_2 = V$, or both.

How would I go about trying to prove this claim?

Best Answer

The opposite of the statement is $U_1 \neq V$ and $U_2\neq V$

Suppose the opposite is true, i.e. both $U_1, U_2$ are proper subsets of V, then $\exists v_1, v_2 \in V$ such that $v_1\notin U_2$ and $v_2\notin U_1$. Further, $U_1 \cup U2 = V $ implies $v_1\in U_1$ and $v_2\in U_2$.

Now since V is a vector space, $v_1, v_2 \in V$ implies $v_1+v_2 \in V$. But $v_1+v_2 \notin U_1$ since $v_2 \notin U_1$. Similarly, $v_1+v_2 \notin U_2$. So $v_1+v_2 \notin U_1\cup U_2$, contradicting $U_1\cup U_2 = V$.

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