Union-like symbol meaning


On axiom of choice page I have encountered this formula:

enter image description here

What does U-like symbol there means? It resembles union symbol, but union symbol should be used with two sets on the left and on the right. Then what does this symbol mean?

Best Answer

It is a union symbol. It is the union of all sets $S_i$, as $i$ ranges over all elements of the index set $I$.

$$\bigcup_{i\in I} S_i =\Bigl\{x\,\Bigm|\, \text{there exists }i\in I\text{ such that }x\in S_i\Bigr\}.$$

The symbol you describe is a special case, $$A_1\cup A_2 = \bigcup_{i\in\{1,2\}} A_i.$$

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