Union “commutes” with the tensor product


This question is related to an exercise in Dummit & Foote's Algebra that establishes a condition for a module to be flat in terms of injectivity of certain maps. There are several questions on this site that deal with this question, eg. here.

My question is this:

Suppose $I \subset R$ is an ideal of the commutative ring $R$, and for each finitely generated subideal $J_s \subset I$ you have a map (induced by the inclusion $J_s\subset R$), $\phi_s: M\otimes J_s \rightarrow M\otimes R$. It is known that $I$ is the union of its finitely generated subideals $I = \cup J_s$. Why does it follow that a map $\phi: M \otimes \cup J_s \rightarrow M \otimes R$ exists? Secondly, how does injectivity of this map follow from injectivity of the smaller maps $\phi_s$?

Note: the questions on this site deal with this by saying that "the direct limit is an exact functor which commutes with tensor products". In this question I am looking for a pedagogical answer that avoids concepts from category theory, i.e. doesn't involve limits, etc.

Best Answer

I wouldn't say that it follows that the map $M\otimes \bigcup_s J_s\to M\otimes R$ exists - this is just immediate: if $\sum_k m_k\otimes i_k=0$ for some $i_k\in I$, then it's easy to see that $\sum_k m_k\otimes i_k=0$ in $M\otimes R$ as well (this is true basically whenever $M\otimes I$ is well-defined).

Injectivity of $\phi_s$ does indeed follow from the injectivity of $\phi_s$: briefly, for any $\sum_k m_k\otimes i_k\neq \sum_j m'_j\otimes i'_j\in M\otimes I$, there is some $J_s$ such that all $i_k,i'_j\in J_s$, and the conclusion easily follows by considering $\phi_s$.

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