Uniformly absolutely continuity: how to check it


Let $(f_n)_n$ be a sequence. We say that it is a uniformly absolutely continuous sequence if given $\varepsilon>0$ there exists $\delta>0$ such that
$$\left|\int_{A} f_n\, \mathrm{d}\mu\right|<\varepsilon$$
for all $n\in\mathbb{N}$ if $\mu(A)<\delta$.

Keeping in mind this definition, consider $\Omega\subset\mathbb{R}^N$ open and bounded subset. Let $g:\mathbb{R}\to\mathbb{R}$ be a continuous function such that $\displaystyle\lim_{|t|\to +\infty} g(t) =0$ and let $(u_n)_n\subset W_0^{1, p}(\Omega)$ be a bounded sequence in $W_0^{1, p}(\Omega)$, $+\infty>p>1$.

Consider the sequence $(g(u_n) e^{|u_n|})_n$. How to show that it is a uniformly absolutely continuous sequence?

It seems very difficult to me using the definition above. Could anyone please help?

Thank you in advance!

${\bf Edit. \; MY \, ATTEMPT:}$ Since $\displaystyle\lim_{|t|\to +\infty} g(t) =0$, thus
$$\int_{\Omega} |g(u_n)| e^{|u_n|} dx\leq \varepsilon e^{|u_n|} + c $$
with $c=c(\varepsilon)$.
Although, I don’t know how to proceed by using the definition. Any hint?

Best Answer

Assumption: I interpret the statement "$(u_n)_n\subset W_0^{1,p}(\Omega)$ is a bounded sequence in $W_0^{1,p}$, $p\in (1,+\infty)$" to mean that $\sup_n||u_n||_{W_0^{1,p}}\leq M\,\,\forall p\in (1,\infty)$.

As a consequence of Sobolev's Embedding theorem, this assumption gives that $\sup_n||u_n||_{L^\infty}\leq M_2$ for some $M_2\in \mathbb{R}$.

Since $g(\cdot)$ is a continuous function that vanishes at infinity, $g\in C_0(\Omega)\subset C_b(\Omega)$, the space of continuous bounded functions equipped with the $||\cdot||_\infty$ norm. Therefore, $||g||_\infty:=\sup_{x\in \Omega}|g(x)|\leq M_3$ for some $M_3\in \mathbb{R}$.

We then have:

\begin{equation} \begin{split} \Big{|}\int_A g(u_n)e^{|u_n|}d\mu\Big{|}&\leq \int_A|g(u_n)|e^{|u_n|}d\mu\\ &\leq M_3e^{M_2}\int_Ad\mu\\ &=M_3e^{M_2}\mu(A) \end{split} \end{equation} Therefore, choose $\mu(A)$ appropriately so that the last term is $O(\epsilon)$.