Uniform convergence on a sequence of two functions


I have the following real analysis question.

Let $f_n , g_n$ be two sequences of functions such that $f_n
\rightarrow 0$
uniformly and $g_n$ is bounded by $M$: $\forall x:
|g_n(x)| \leq M$
. Prove that $f_ng_n \rightarrow 0$ uniformly.

In my class, when asked to prove the uniform convergence of a given sequence of functions $f_n$, we have been showing that $\sup|f_n(x) – f(x)| \rightarrow 0$. My question is: how can we use the bound on $g_n$ in this approach.

If we have $|f_n(x)g_n(x) – f(x)g(x)|$, I'm unsure what we can do about the g(x) function.

Thanks so much.

Best Answer

we have that $f_{n} \to 0$ uniformly on $E$. Then $\sup|f_{n}(x)| \to 0$. Thus for $\varepsilon > 0$ there exists some $N>0$ such that if $n\geq N \implies |f_{n}(x)| \leq \sup|f_{n}(x)|< \varepsilon $ for all $x \in E$. Now, take $\varepsilon > 0$, and $\tilde{\varepsilon} = \frac{\varepsilon}{M}$. Then there exist some $N > 0$ such that if $n \geq N \implies |f_{n}(x)| < \tilde{\varepsilon}$ for all $x \in E$. Then $|f_{n}(x)g_{n}(x)| = |f_{n}(x)||g_{n}(x)| \leq |f_{n}(x)|M < \tilde{\varepsilon}M = \varepsilon$ for all $n\geq N$, for all $x \in E$.

Then $\sup|f_{n}(x)g_{n}(x)| \to 0$

So $f_{n}g_{n} \to 0$ uniformly.

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