Uniform convergence of Poisson Kernel (of the upper half plane)

complex-analysisharmonic functionsreal-analysis

For $y>0$ and $t\in\mathbb{R}$, define $$p_y(t)=\frac{y}{t^2+y^2}.$$ This is essentially (up to a multiplicative constant $\frac{1}{\pi}$) the Poisson kernel of the upper half plane. Since $p_y$ is continuous in $y$,
$p_{y+h}(t)\to p_y(t)$ as $h\to0^+$. I am interested in a uniform version of this convergence:
Is the following true: for each fixed $y>0$, $$\lim_{h\to 0^+}\sup_{t\in\mathbb{R}}|p_{y+h}(t)-p_{y}(t)|=0$$

if true, how to prove it?

Best Answer

It's been commented that $p_y$ does not converge uniformly as $y\to0$. Nonetheless, if $y>0$ then yes, $p_{y+h}\to p_y$ uniformly as $h\to0$. One can "just work it out"; I did that in an answer just now and made a mistake in the algebra. Or one can note that $p_y$ is (essentially) the Fourier transform of $k_y$, if $$k_y(t)=e^{-y|t|},$$so it's enough to show $$||k_{y+h}-k_y||_1\to0.$$The algebra there seems simpler; or one can just mumble "DCT"...