Uniform and absolute convergence of $\sum _{n=1}^{\infty }\:\frac{x^n}{1+x^n}$


I'm studying the convergence and absolute convergence of the series of functions defined by the sequence of functions:
f_n: \mathbb{R} \to \mathbb{R},

\phantom{1000}x \mapsto \dfrac{x^n}{1 + x^n}

I'm trying to bound $\frac{x^n}{1 + x^n}$ by a sequence that its serie is convergent so i could apply Weierstrass M-test but I'm having troubles to find that sequence.

Best Answer

It is clear that


thus the series diverges for $|x|\geq 1$.

The series clearly converges absolutely for $|x|<1$ by the ratio test:


It remains to see if the series converges uniformly for $|x|<1$. Let's find a bound for the series. We see that $\frac{1}{1+x^n}\leq 1~~,x\geq0$ and we conclude that


Actually, we find that we can do better. Note that $1+x^n\geq \min(1+x,1)$. Then we readily see that



$$\sum_{n=0}^{\infty}M_n=\frac{1}{(1-|x|)\min(1+x,1)}<\infty ~~\forall~|x|<1$$

If we restrict the interval to $x\in I_-=(-(1-\delta),0), \delta>0$ or to $x\in I_+=(0,1-\delta), \delta>0$ these bounds allow us to prove uniform convergence. Notice that $|x|<1-\delta$ and $1+x>\delta$ which allow us to show that in $I_+$;



and in $I_-$ respectively



so the intervals separately satisfy the M-test for uniformity.

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