Understanding the problem statement of IMO 2002 Problem $1$


$S$ is the set of all $(h, k)$ with $h, k$ non-negative integers such
that $h + k$ < $n$. Each element of $S$ is colored red or blue, so that if $(h, k)$
is red and $h_o ≤ h, k_o ≤ k$, then $(h_o, k_o$
) is also red. A type 1 subset of $S$ has
n blue elements with different first member and a type 2 subset of S has $n$
blue elements with different second member. Show that there are the same
number of type 1 and type 2 subsets.

I don’t quite understand how the problem work. I suspect that you have choose a point in the plane (x,y)such that $x+y\le n-1$, and then color all the points $(x_o,y_o)$ such that $x_o\le x, y_o\le y $ and then count how many lists that contains $n$ blue points that have different $x$ coordinate and do the same thing again but change it to the $y$ coordinate. Am I right.

Best Answer

Perhaps an illustrative example would help. You need to show that for every $n\ge 1$, and for every valid coloring of $S$, the number of ways to choose $n$ blue elements with distinct first coordinates is equal to the number of ways to choose $n$ blue elements with distinct second coordinates. Below, I give two examples of colorings, one with $n=3$ and the other with $n=4$, together with the list of all the ways to select $n$ blue coordinates. As you can see, the number of ways to make both selections is the same; both ways have two selections in the first coloring, and both ways have four selections for the second coloring. You need to prove this always happens.

Coloring Selections with distinct first coordinates Selections with distinct second coordinates
$ \newcommand{\r}[1]{\bbox[pink, 2pt]{\mathsf #1}} \newcommand{\b}[1]{\bbox[cyan, 2pt]{\mathsf #1}} \begin{array}{ccc} \b{A}\\ \r B & \b C \\ \r D & \b E & \b F \end{array} $ $\{\b A, \b C, \b F\}$ and $\{\b A, \b E, \b F\}$. $\{\b A, \b C, \b F\}$ and $\{\b A, \b C, \b E\}$
$ \newcommand{\r}[1]{\bbox[pink, 2pt]{\mathsf #1}} \newcommand{\b}[1]{\bbox[cyan, 2pt]{\mathsf #1}} \begin{array}{ccc} \b{A}\\ \b B & \b C &\\ \r D & \b E & \b F\\ \r G & \r H & \r I & \b J \end{array} $ $\begin{array}{c} \{\b A, \b C, \b F, \b J\}\\ \{\b A, \b E, \b F,\b J\}\\ \{\b B, \b C, \b F, \b J\}\\ \{\b B, \b E, \b F,\b J\}\end{array}$ $\begin{array}{c} \{\b A, \b C, \b F, \b J\}\\ \{\b A, \b C, \b E,\b J\}\\ \{\b A, \b B, \b F, \b J\}\\ \{\b A, \b B, \b E,\b J\}\end{array}$
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