Understanding the formula for curvature

arc lengthcurvaturedifferential-geometry

In this khan academy article, they discuss how can define curvature as,

$$ \bigg\| \frac{dT}{dS} \bigg\| = \kappa$$

In the post they write,

"However, we don't want differences in the rate at which we move along the curve to influence the value of curvature since it is a statement about the geometry of the curve itself and not the time-dependent trajectory of whatever particle happens to be traversing it. For this reason, curvature requires differentiating T(t) with respect to arc length, S(t), instead of the parameter t"

I feel this is not a sufficient explanation and more explanation is needed to clarify the formula. As it just states a reason that 'the curvature should related to the arclength (geometrical quantity) rather than velocity or time'.

This doesn't really help because that is ruling out other quantities which we could have taken derivative with respect to. How would we motivate that when speaking of curvature of the intuitive idea of curvature (how much you need to turn) as the above equatoion?

And, even after all this one issue remains for me still, we define unit tangent vector using parameterizations, so the tangent vector in itself is reliant on a property outside the curve. So technically speaking curvature is not fully made of properties intrinsic to curve.

$$ T = \frac{ v(t)}{|v(t)|} $$

Best Answer

You are free to derive a formula for curvature in any coordinate system that you want, and with respect to any parameter along the curve that you want. For example, you have probably also seen a formula, expressed in terms the $x$-coordinate parameterization $(x,f(x))$, for the curvature of the graph of a function $y=f(x)$: $$\kappa = \frac{|f''(x)|}{(1+f'(x))^{3/2}} $$ So the question is not why "all other alternatives are shut down", because they aren't (and by the way "shutting things down" is almost never how mathematics works).

Perhaps instead a better question might be

Why is the arc length parameterization the primary one used to express the formula for curvature?

I think the answer to this is simply that the arc length parameterization is so natural from a geometric viewpoint: it can be derived using nothing but Euclidean geometry and a limiting argument, as you learn in a real analysis course. So it might be the first thing a geometer would want to know about curvature: How do you write down a formula for curvature expressed in terms of the arc length parameter?

But let me suggest two still better questions:

Is there a definition of curvature independent of parameterization? And can one use that definition to derive to derive a formula in terms of the arc length parameteriation (or in terms of any other parameterization)?

There is indeed a nice definition which is independent of parameter, and it has three steps:

  1. The unit circle $S^1 = \{(x,y) \mid x^2+y^2=1\}$ has curvature $1$ at each point:
  2. Curvature varies inversely under similarity: Suppose $C$ and $C'$ are two curves such that $C$ is similar to $C'$. Let $f : \mathbb R^2 \to \mathbb R^2$ be a similarity map such that $f(C)=C'$. Let $r>0$ be the similarity factor, meaning that $d(f(p),f(q)) = r d(p,q)$ for all $p,q \in \mathbb R^2$. Then for all $x \in C$ with corresponding point $x' = f(x) \in C'$, the curvature of $C'$ at $x'$ is equal to $\frac{1}{r}$ times the the curvature of $C$ at $x$. (For example, by combining 1 and 2 one can prove easily that all radius $1$ circles have curvature $1$ at each point, and all radius $r$ circles have curature $1/r$ at each point.
  3. Curvature is a second order invariant: For any curve $C$ and $p \in C$, and for any circle $C' \subset \mathbb R$ which matches $C$ to second order at the point $p$, the curvatures of $C$ and $C'$ at $p$ are equal (this is the "osculating circle" condition referred to in the comment of @Kajelad).

Knowing this, one can prove the arc length parameterization formula for curvature, and any other formula you want such as the formula for the $x$-coordinate parameterizaiton given earlier.

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