Understanding the definition of Quasi-isometric spaces


Let $(M_1,d_1)$ and $(M_2,d_2)$ be two metric spaces. We say that these two spaces are quasi-isometric if there exists a map $f$ between them which satisfies the following :

$$ \forall x,y\in M_{1} :{\frac{1}{A}}d_{1}(x,y)-B\leq d_{2}(f(x),f(y))\leq A d_{1}(x,y)+ B,$$

and $$ \exists C \geq 0,
\forall z\in M_{2}:\exists x\in M_{1}:d_{2}(z,f(x))\leq C.$$

I want to understand this definition intuitively: according to wikipedia a quasi-isometry is a function between two metric spaces that respects large-scale geometry of these spaces and ignores their small-scale details, could anyone elaborate further on this or (and) give a more intuitive explanation of this definition please?

Best Answer

As Didier commented, if you draw $\Bbb Z$ on a blackboard, you will have some dots placed horizontally. As you move away from the blackboard, the dots will appear closer, and finally, when you are at a sufficiently large distance from the blackboard, you will effectively see a continuous line, i.e. $\Bbb R$. The space $\Bbb Z$ by itself is not very interesting, it is a discrete space. When we look at it from far away, it has some interesting properties. Note that $\Bbb N$ is not quasi-isometric to $\Bbb Z$ (Why?). The essential principle of large-scale geometry is that you look at some object, then go "far away" and have a look at it again. What interesting properties does this object have now? All metric spaces that look similar when you are "far away" from them can thought to be quasi-isometric. Quasi-isometric metric spaces have the same "geometric properties". Later on, you will study notions like hyperbolicity, which are preserved under quasi-isometries. These "geometric properties" are termed as quasi-isometric invariants. Quasi-isometries are weakened bilipschitz maps. They can be thought of as discontinuous maps over whose discontinuities you have some amount of "control".

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