Understanding singular complexes


I'm just getting started on singular homology and I've found that when we compute the singular $q$-simplices of a topological space X (which is the set of all linear mappings $\sigma: \Delta_n \to X$) we only use a few generators, but there'd be more. Let me explain myself:

Suppose we're computing the singular $q$-simplices of a line with vertices $v_1$ and $v_2$. We usually say that the singular 0-simplex is the free abelian group spanned by $\langle\sigma_1, \sigma_2\rangle$, where $\sigma_i: \Delta_0 \mapsto v_i$. However, when we compute the singular 1-simplex we say that it is the free abelian group spanned by $\langle \rho \rangle$, where $\rho: \Delta_2 \mapsto [v_1 v_2]$ (here $[v_1 v_2]$ denotes the line with edges $v_1$ and $v_2$). Wouldn't $\rho': \Delta_2 \mapsto v_1$ be another generator of the singular 1-simplex?

In general, I feel like I can choose infinitely many generators for every singular $q$-simplex.

I'm pretty sure I'm not understanding the point of the theory well enough, so please I'd really appreciate if anyone could answer me.

Best Answer

You confuse a lot of things. A singular $n$-simplex of $X$ is a continuous map $$\sigma_\alpha\colon \Delta^n \to X$$

The singular $n$-simplices of $X$ are the basis elements of the free abelian (chain) group $C_n(X)$, i.e. they generate $C_n(X)$.

A singular $0$-simplex is not being generated by singular $0$-simplices, but if your space $X$ admits precisely two singular $0$-simplices, then the chaingroup $C_0(X)$ is generated by these two $0$-simplices.

Also, it's certainly not true that you can somehow choose infinitely many generators for a chaingroup, say $C_1(X)$. The free abelian group $C_n(X)$ is a free $\mathbb{Z}$-module and its elements are formal sums $\sum_i n_i\sigma_i$ with $\mathbb{Z}$-coefficients $n_i$. These elements are called $n$-chains.

In summary, $n$-chains of $C_n(X)$ are linear combinations of basis elements the singular $n$-simplices $\sigma_\alpha$ that generate $C_n(X)$.

In order to get a better intuitive picture i would highly suggest you to look up the idea of homology, it's very well illustrated in Hatcher on p.99.