Understanding relation between a map in a short exact sequence of chain complexes and its induced map on the long exact sequence of homology groups


In Hatcher's Algebraic Topology Example 2.47, discussed in here and here, it states that for a Klein Bottle $K$, considered as two Möbius bands $A,B$ glued together we have:

The map $\phi$ is $\mathbb{Z} \to \mathbb{Z} \oplus \mathbb{Z}, 1 \mapsto (2,-2)$: $$0 \to H_2(K) \to H_1(A \cap B) \stackrel{\phi}{\to} H_1(A) \oplus H_1(B) \to H_1(K) \to 0$$

Neither of the aforementioned posts clarifies, formally, why $1 \mapsto (2,-2)$ when the corresponding map between the chain groups is $x \mapsto (x,-x)$ (as stated in the book on p.150). Because of this, I would expect that $1 \mapsto (1,-1)$.

I understand that the boundary circle wraps twice around $A$ and $B$'s core circles, but I do not see how this formally leads to identifying that $1$ (which corresponds to the generator being the boundary circle(?)) gets mapped to $(2,2)$, especially in light of the $1 \mapsto (1,-1)$.

What am I missing?

Best Answer

$A \cap B$ is the boundary of both $A$ and $B$, and it is homeomorphic to a circle. If we let $x$ be the cycle which goes once around this circle, then $x$ represents the generator of $H_1(A \cap B)$. Now if we include $A \cap B$ into $A$, then $x$ wraps twice around the Möbius band, and so $x$ maps to twice the generator: the map $A \cap B \to A$ induces the map $1 \mapsto 2$ on $H_1$.

Another way to say this is that $x$, viewed as a cycle in $A$, does not represent a homology generator but rather twice a homology generator.