Understanding matrix inversion via the adjugate

inverselinear algebramatrices

Let's say we have matrix ${\bf A}$. Its inverse matrix is given by

$$ {\bf A}^{-1} = \frac{1}{\det({\bf A})} \operatorname{adj}({\bf A}) $$

I know that dividing by the determinant makes sense because we are getting rid of the area done by the transformation but what is going on with the adjoint matrix?

Best Answer

So we know that $AA^{-1}=I$. Also, $A[\operatorname{adj}(A)] = [\det(A)]I$ (see here).


$$A \frac{\operatorname{adj}(A)}{\det(A)} = I \implies \frac{\operatorname{adj}(A)}{\det(A)} = A^{-1}$$