Understanding Hartshorne’s definition of subvariety


In Hartshorne's Algebraic Geometry, he defines subvarieties in exercise 3.10 of chapter I as follows:

A subset of a topological space is locally closed if it is the intersection of an open set with a closed set. If $X$ is a quasi-affine variety and $Y$ is an irreducible locally closed subset, then $Y$ is also a quasi-affine variety. We call $Y$ a subvariety of $X$.

My questions are:

  1. How is $Y$ a quasi-affine variety?
    Given that $Y$ is an irreducible locally closed subset of a quasi-affine variety $X$, I know that $X$ is an open subset of an affine variety $V \subseteq \textbf{A}^{n}$, and $Y=A \cap B$ for some open $A \subseteq V$ and closed $B \subseteq V$. But how does this imply that $Y$ is an open subset of an affine variety?

  2. Why does he define subvarieties in this way?
    It seems like an unnatural and needlessly complicated definition for a subobject. I think that a subvariety ought to be simply defined as a subset of a variety that is also a variety. Why doesn't Hartshorne do this?

Best Answer

I'll answer the first question . . .

Since $Y$ is locally closed, we can write $Y=A\cap B$, where $A$ is open, and $B$ is closed.

Let $\overline{Y}$ denote the closure of $Y$.

Since $Y$ is irreducible, so is $\overline{Y}$, hence $\overline{Y}$ is an affine variety.

From $Y\subseteq B$ and $Y\subseteq \overline{Y}$, we get $Y\subseteq B\cap\overline{Y}\subseteq \overline{Y}$, hence $B\cap\overline{Y}=\overline{Y}$.

Then from $Y=Y\cap\overline{Y}=(A\cap B)\cap\overline{Y}=A\cap(B\cap\overline{Y})=A\cap \overline{Y}$, we get that $Y$ is an open subset of $\overline{Y}$.

Therefore $Y$ is a quasi-affine variety.

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